Mixcder ShareMe Bluetooth Headphones Built-in Mic Review
Brrrrring, Brrrrring, 1984 calling… We are going to need your foam headphones back. Yeeeeeeeaaaaah, these haven’t been relevant for like 20 years and I’ve been fine with that because unless I was in front of a computer in Starbucks or on an airplane there has been no reason to wear headphones.
That is, until now, because lately the options for entertainment in my house have been reduced to either an endless loop of YouTube Unwrapped videos, NASCAR or some myriad of mind-numbing housewife dramas on Bravo. Spending 12-14 hours a day at work or school most of the week I take the 30 minutes to 1 hour of TV I get very seriously. I get stabby if I get into an episode of Downton Abbey or Peaky Blinders and someone interrupts me. Real stabby. Mommy takes down time seriously and if you value your life you will too. What I’ve noticed during my snippets of screen time lately, is that my generic foam headphones have become increasingly uncomfortable, the sound quality sucks, the cord is short which requires me to be tethered to whatever media I’m using and even worse they don’t block out ambient noise which is kind of the WHOLE POINT!
Rejoice! Tiny happy ear angels must have heard my lament because guess what arrived? Mixcder Wireless Headphones. Wait WIRELESS? Get out! Are you kidding me? That’s awesome! Not only did I get a pair but I got a set and why is that cool you ask? Well, the two attach to one another and you can both watch the same movie. I just blew your mind didn’t I? Two people can watch a movie together on a plane, in the back of a car during a road trip, during a boring NASCAR race, or while someone in the hotel room is sleeping. I know! Read it again, I’ll wait.
Anyway back to Mommy Downtime, I love this headset – it’s Bluetooth technology so I can link it with my cell phone, my iPad, my laptop or anything equipped with Bluetooth. THE BEST PART IS that I don’t have to carry that crap around! I can connect, press play and walk away. This week I tried a little bit of everything, an audible book while I did the dishes, Calm.com meditation while I was relaxing after an especially taxing day, catching up on episodes while the kid was watching unwrapped and finally listening to music while I was working on my homework.
• Comfortable: the earphones are soft leather and have this amazing viscoelastic sponge inside, I don’t know what that means but I suspect viscoelastic is Latin for tiny fluffy clouds.
• The headset folds up for easy storage: The ears tuck in to the head band area like a little protective hug which is amazing because that means the headsets nestle perfectly into your outing bag, and you get to avoid the “one ear catch”. The “one ear catch” is that inevitable and annoying occurrence when one ear of a headset gets caught on something in the bottom of the bag and pulls everything out of the bag or worse when you when you take a headset out of a bag you inadvertently undresses one ear phone that now requires you to take the contents out to find the tiny cushion cover. From experience I can tell you that wearing a headphone without its cushion cover is no picnic and I am not alone in this experience. I’m pretty sure the edges of your typical ear phone is sealed in crushed glass as a warning that you can’t get all rogue and try to remove the cover or cheap out by not replacing the whole set.
• The noise reduction. Just look at those three little words, have you ever felt more moved by three words before? The headset actually blocks out whining, nagging and Kim Kardashians voice from another room so that you can enjoy what you are listening to or pretending to listen to. Yeah I said it and I’m not ashamed to say that sometimes I put them on to give the impression that I am unreachable. Don’t judge me.
• Sound quality, it’s amazing. I can actually hear what is being said and I can relax and doesn’t that make me a better mommy? The answer is a resounding yes, yes it does.
Just one and the hubs says I’m crazy, I can hear a little buzzing in my right ear phone that annoys me but he swears it’s in my head because he can’t hear it. He’s probably right.
These Wireless Headphones are totally worth your money. Your sanity is worth the money it takes to buy this product. Still not convinced? Imagine this scenario: your kids are watching Caillou in the back seat of your car while you drive to Nana’s for Thanksgiving and you don’t have to hear that little w
hining creep’s voice and the kids aren’t fighting. You are welcome my friend, you are welcome.
The Mixcder headphones come in black with red school or white with blue and red trim
This review was written by my daughter Selena. To learn more about Selena click here.

I’m just using earbuds right now, but probably should upgrade to real headphones soon. Sounds like these are a great pair! 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Lol, I still have a pair of those 80s foam thingies, too! Hey they still work. But I have to admit these look much better. Noise-cancelling is a good thing!
I’d like to check these out, mostly for the noise canceling. The little earbuds I’ve been using don’t really quite cut it.