After I received a text from my younger sister asking if I’m having an affair, because I kept referring to someone with the initials DH and my husbands initials are RG. I thought I should take the opportunity to share the cast of inmates in my own private Insane Asylum. So here they are, the cast of characters you will read about on Peanut Butter and Whine!!
Peanut Butter and Whine has been around since August of 2009. You would think I would run out of things to say huh?? YOU would be wrong!
Let’s start with DH, Dear Husband, RH Rotten Husband is my dear HUSBAND Randy. (occasionally AH, and so on……) mostly known as The Husband.
Selena is our oldest child. Selena, is in law enforcement with the coolest job ever! Dan is an accountant extraordinaire. They are parents to 9 year old Alice.
Zachary is the baby of the family. Zachary is a WONDERFUL uncle and such a good son!! BTW ladies…. Zac’s single! Write me… I’ll fix ya up!! I got connections!! Zac builds motorcycles, installs stereos and works on hot rods! Not to mention incredibly handsome!! Zachary is my stereo and technical reviewer. Amber and Olivia the newest additions to our family.

Alice I think Granddaughter Alice deserves a shout out here, she has done reviews since birth! Now at 13!! (13 people!??! HOW did that HAPPEN!??) she continues to be very opinionated! From books to toys. Clothes to Princess Dresses (ackkkk nope, no more princess dresses)! She is the perfect little model! AND you can be assured she will provide spoilers on all of her book reviews. (sorry about that!) She also believes herself to be a YouTube star. She LOVES reviewing as much as The Non!
Then there’s me, my name is Connie, Mom, MAMAAAA, Nonnie, The Non, NaNa, Sweetheart, Parental Unit and Hag. I am the Princess of the Asylum. I run the place. I babysit Alice full time…….I’ll babysit as long as I can keep convincing Dan that Alice won’t learn ALL my bad habits… I really am harmless…….. and perfectly sane! (HONEST!!) Baby Alice will be FINE, well adjusted and happy!! Yes, I occasionally teach weird stuff…. but someone has too!! It might as well be ME!! Trust me! I’m a grandma!!
It’s been awhile since I updated this page. THIS is Alice now at age 13!?!?!? Ohhhh her parents are in trouble now!

I did the UNTHINKABLE!! I moved away. I am now in Sandpoint, Idaho. I live on top of a mountain. I have wild animals in the yard. I am missing my family like CRAZY but, it’s quiet here. Like REALLY quiet.
OHHHHHH WAIT….. there’s also MORITY!!!! He is part of our asylum!!!!! L
OL damn I’m a funny girl!
AND my newest friend WINSTON!! YES!! I do crack myself up!!

I just want to make a note…. to my dear sister Lea… WOULD I BLOG about an AFFAIR?!?!? Have you lost your mind?!?! Texas has burnt your brain!! It’s time to move home!
Last updated May 2024
Juliet Wills
Hi Connie! Are you still interested in doing book or audiobook reviews? I was happy to find your blog alive and well! ❤️ Best, Julie
Connie: The Head Peanut
OHMYGOSH!! Juliet! Long time no chat. ABSOLUTELY!!! I will email you.
When I get old (currently 27, so still have some time, lol), I want to move somewhere quiet too and with my family of course. Reading your blogs from the Philippines!
Connie: The Head Peanut
KV! WOW!! HELLO!! I think you might be my first Philippines visitor. Welcome! Were you born and raised there? Last months giveaway form had pictures I wish this form did. I would love to see scenic pictures from the Philippines.
Sue E
I know what you mean about using the Zoom app. I use the FaceTime app. It’s really cute, because when my great grandkids first started talking to us, they were like, “Why do I have to blow gg-mamma a kiss 😘 Why can’t we just kiss your cheeks??” They didn’t realize that we were thousands of miles away! Kids nowadays are so smart with all these technology apps. I couldn’t see my grandma through our kinky phone cord 🤪 I love it, because I can hear how their voices are changing and their facial features. They won’t get scared when they finally see me in person. They show me their bedrooms, new toys, and pictures they colored or drew! Plus it doesn’t cost anything for us to use it! That’s a miracle!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sue, isn’t that the truth. Alice hit 12 and had less time for me, now at 13 even less. It really makes me so sad. I loved it when the first thing she did after school was Zoom me.
Interesting story
You have quite a collection of humans and animals. lol
jane jakins
great pictures
Peggy Nunn
We have animals in our back yard but not a bear, thank goodness. We have so many deer this time of year.
Polly Hall
We had tornados last night, it’s path was 2 miles from our place so glad of that but feel for the people that got hit.
paula peterson
What a beautiful family, thanks for sharing this great blog.
Cindy Merrill
I love your Dog, what is the expected lifespan on an animal this size? I have always loved large breeds, only I don’t want my heartbroken in 12 years or less.
What a weird but wonderful company
Dana Rodriguez
LOL! Hag?? I think not.. sweetheart is more fitting 😉 You crack me up! What a beautiful family Loving the photos
Computer Institute in Delhi
very nice information
Suzanne Greene
Your family seems very nice. It was great of you to share.
Lisa DT
That photo of the dog is exquisite, I thought it was a big dog.
Brandi Dawn
You have a very lovely family! My puppers say hi to your puppers!!
jason jennings,
love it
It was nice to officially meet all the members of your crew!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you! My crew are a funny bunch.
This is wonderful site.
Lisa Mazola
Just a Happy family
cbd oil
Thank you for sharing this post!
cannabis seeds us
Such a nice and happy family.
Karen Propes
I enjoy your blog, it has never failed to make me smile as I watch you and your family living. Bear has really been a great addition to your beautiful family. I can imagine the smiles and fun times blooming from your home. Thanks for your blog and your great humor!
Alisa Khan
Great to know about your members. !!
Debbie P
Very nice looking family.
got a nice family.stay blessed all of you.
Very nice family. looking beautiful together.
Live News 24hr
Great website and a beautiful family. If you need help with your website contact me.
Tena McElvain
Connie and I went to the same school and graduated together a couple! years ago. We grew up in a couple of very small towns in eastern Colorado. I enjoyed her friendship and still love hearing about her family. Wishing you happiness and healthiness.
Sue E
You are really blessed to have such a loving family! Thanks for introducing them to us! I hope they didn’t mind!
Tracy Robertson
Nice family, and Zachary does look like he’s really handsome even though he’s hiding his eyes, LOL!
Sue E
I’m a huge family person! In my opinion, my family’s love is the best ❤️ Everyone usually feels that way!! My husband and I talked about moving away from the kids and their families a couple of dozen times over the years!! Every time we wanted to move, one of our daughters’ informed us that they were pregnant. 15 grandkids and 2 great grandkids later, I finally moved on. I had to! My wonderful loving husband, dad, grandpa, & great grandpa died last year! The family were glad we didn’t move. They were there when he was dying. When he died, I had to move, because I couldn’t make any more memories with the love of my life! So far two of our children and their families moved down where I am at. I’m glad! I don’t know what I was thinking! I do still need my family’s and God’s love! I guess I am saying wherever we move, our family and friends! loves move with us in our hearts 🥰
I attended school and graduated with Connie. You are so clever and I love reading all your posts and reviews. Keep up the great work. You are a riot.
tiffany dayton
Such a nice and happy family.
I would say that you have a cool and well balanced family. May you always have good times in great health.
You’ve got a great family and a great sense of humor! I love it!
Sue E
I seen that you have crossed some lines off of your review since the last time I commented! I’m glad that your crossed off sentences were replaced with good family news! Your family has grown! I don’t understand why you moved away. My husband and I couldn’t move away. I’m glad we didn’t! We could have never of had the memories we made if we would’ve moved. I did move though after Don died. I couldn’t live or stay in the same house we shared for 26 years!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sue, we couldn’t have retired in California. George HATED it there, he was miserable. Moving was absolutely the hardest (AND still the hardest!!) thing I’ve ever done. I really hate being away from the kids. I have some really sad days because I miss them so much. THANK heavens for Zoom, it’s absolutely not the same, but better than nothing. I do go to California once a year for a long visit. The kids try and come up once a year as well.
Linda Manns Linneman
What a beautiful family. It is so nice that you shared this with us. God Bless