Once Upon Time in August 2009 There Was This Diet………..
Last month Gloria suggested that I write a post about how Peanut Butter and Whine started. So, grab a cuppa, put your feet up, ’cause here comes a long post, starting with a diet.
Peanut Butter and Whine has evolved many, many times.
Starting With A Diet
In August of 2009, Channel 10 ran a contest ‘Half Year resolution’ to help 4 people lose weight. You had to write an essay about why you should win. Pfftttt write? I LOVE to write. I won a spot. A trip to the news studio to learn how to blog and we were given our instructions. The contest ran for 6 months. Each of us had a different opportunity. One had a gym membership and trainer; I had a weekly telephone call with a personal trainer (it’s 2024 I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night… so remember what opportunities the other 2 had I have no idea). I WON!! Can I get a woot-woot here?
For 6 months I wrote every day about my struggle with weight and struggles with my PEANUT BUTTER addiction and like now, whatever comes to my mind. I (of course!) whined a LOT! When the contest was over I didn’t want to stop writing. So, I started my own blog. When I told people that I was going to name it Peanut Butter and Whine they looked at me like I was NUTS. (Oh I just made a funny! Peanut butter… NUTS!! Ha ha ha… I cracked myself up right there).
Then Guess What Happened?
Like any diet that I had tried in the past….. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?!!? Yup, gained it all back. I learned NOTHING. I know… you aren’t surprised either are you??
Every January I would swear THIS year: Treadmill. Watch what I eat. Stop snacking. (excuse me, please pass me the peanut butter stuffed pretzels). Fasting, I’ve done it all. This year though I have a secret weapon called Naken Nutrition BURN. This is a thermogenic fat burner. I’ve talked about Naked Nutrition in the past. From their Sugar Cookie Dreams to their Bone Broth They have a wide selection of protein shakes including the Peanut Butter and Chocolate Protein shake that is AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZING. The Naked Nutrition Burn doesn’t give me the jitters, doesn’t disrupt my sleep at night. IT DOES take off the edge of hunger. IT DOES give me an energy boost. Combine that with the Naked Whey Chocolate Peanut Butter clean protein, no additives, no artificial sweeteners or colors. Delicious tasting. FILLING!! I’m always impressed with Naked Nutrition products. I hope you will head over to their site and see all the different products. Whether you are looking to add strength, lose weight or combat the effects of aging they have you covered!! SO MANY different products to choose from: Naked Collagen, Naked Whey. There is a Whey Protein and Collagen Protein.
Chapter Two of Peanut Butter and Whine
When I started writing on my own blog and not on Channel 1o’s site I didn’t know what to write about. I was all over the place. I started introducing my family and what warped individuals we all are. I mentioned Mority. Mority is a candy butler that The Husband bought me from Home Depot A LONG time ago. After Halloween I told The Husband I didn’t want to put Mority away. He said “What are you going to do put a turkey on his head and call it a Thanksgiving Butler?” OHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYY GOSHHHHHHHHHHH. What a brilliant idea. AND The Husband has NO ONE to blame but himself. I know have 4 (yes, count ’em FOUR) Rubbermaid EXTRA large containers of costumes for Mority. He has a costume for EVERY. SINGLE. HOLIDAY!! He can be a cowboy, a sailor, a SWAT officer, Denver Broncos Uniform, A Raiders Uniform, an Indian, right now he is a Clone Trooper. This was before Granddaughter Alice was born (BTW she wore several of Mority’s outfits growing up, the cute little raincoat, jeans, tops, etc. OKAY, the reason I’m telling you this is because after I wrote about Mority and posted his picture a costume company wrote me an email asking if I would like to review a child’s costume for Mority. “Ummmmm you do know he’s a DOLL right??” They didn’t care. OMGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEE I was so excited. I picked The SWAT costume.
I was lucky enough to review all sorts of products. I STILL to this day enjoy reviewing. I mean, HELLO!?! Who doesn’t want my opinion on things?
I wrote about working for an optometrist in Escondido California.
Then when my Mom got sick I wrote about Hospice. I wrote about grieving. Then I wrote about cremation.
All the time adding posts about my amazing (now 12-year-old) Granddaughter Alice. I wrote about the places and things we did because I was LUCKY enough to spend every day with her growing up. BEST JOB EVER!!
Then I wrote about moving from Vista, California to Sandpoint Idaho. Talk about going from one end of the map to the other!
All along I’ve been asked to write about certain topics, from medical to travel. Some companies request that I am more business-like in my writing and less sass. Some companies give me full reign do as I like. Ohhhh gimmie some sass and sarcasm. I enjoy writing. It’s a great outlet for me. ESPECIALLY up here on top of the mountain where I don’t get out as much as I did living in San Diego. I don’t want to say I go stir crazy….. but …………ummm
I love to write about my craft room. I love to show projects that I’m working on. T-shirts. Mugs, Tumblers. I loved telling you I SOLD stuff at the local craft fair last year. I actually SOLD EVERYTHING!! I can’t wait for this years. I’m hoping to have a huge supply of stuff. Fingers crossed.
I love sharing my wild animals that come to the craft room door and beg for food.
Chapter Three of Peanut Butter and Whine
Last year I was ready to say goodbye to PBnWhine, but I received so many beautiful letters from The Little Peanuts that I decided to stick around. I’m glad I did. I would miss you all so very much.
Chapter Four of Peanut Butter and Whine
I dunno. I haven’t decided yet. We will see what comes up next. Please stay tuned.
So, Gloria?? Aren’t you glad you asked???
BTW toldya it would be a long post.

gloria patterson
What a great story, makes me very glad I asked!!! It’s funny one little contest and 14+ yr later you are still kicking butt. Have to admit had no ideal about the peanutbutter. I am really glad to have discover your blog, and made some new friends.
Connie: The Head Peanut
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{GLORIA}}}}}}}}}}}}}} It was actually fun to write about too. I am SO VERY glad you found us.
I enjoyed reading this post. I love peanut butter too but I haven’t had it in a few years. I will try Naked Nutrition products I need something that fills me up and is healthy. You are a great writer. I love your blog and would be lost without it. I would love to have a blog someday sounds fun.
P.S. Mority for Prez in 2024!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Where is the MAKE this FONT HUGE button?? Thank YOU HEATHER!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mority says “I’d be honored” Hummmm what does a Presidential candidate wear?? Might be time for a new outfit.
BTW, I know you’d love Naked Nutrition. The products I’ve tried are delicious.
Tamra Phelps
Lol, I kind of miss Mority. I haven’t seen him on here in a while. Glad you decided to stick around, too.
Connie: The Head Peanut
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tamra}}}}}}}}}}}}} big hugs. Thank you. I would miss you too! Mority should make more appearances shouldn’t he??