My Summer Vacation

Just writing “My Summer Vacation” made me want to add by Connie Sue. LOL I felt like a second grader again. Well, not in my body but in my head.

My Summer Vacation:

Things that I have learned during this trip to San Diego, Carlsbad and Murrieta California, visiting my kids.

Number One: Driving

I do not like traffic.  To this I must add EVERY AGRESSIVE driver fiber in my body kicked RIGHT BACK IN! I really had thought that being in the laid-back Sandpoint Idaho for the last 8 years had fixed that. It did not.

Number TWO: I HATE Traffic BUT NO Traffic Scares Me

I hate traffic BUT when it’s a freeway with ZIP ZERO NADDA cars on it, on a Thursday at 3 pm I GET SCARED!! Never did find out what was happening. But, Alice did a video that I posted on Instagram (Mainly showing off her new fingernails…. and her video skills aren’t the best. She’s only 13. So she did great. RIGHT!!?!? Yes, yes she did)

Number Three: i5 and 805 are PARKING LOTS

My Summer Vacation L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the futureI hate traffic! You sit on i5.  Might as well put that car in neutral and listen to your book. You know I am addicted to my audio books. I have to do a slight time out here. I just downloaded (from Audible) the newest L. Ron Hubbard book.

Remember back when I was listening to the pulp fiction? (No, not the John Travolta Pulp Fiction)  Pulp fiction books in the 1930′s and 1940 paperbacks were printed on cheap paper called pulpwood.  (See?? Just like being in grade school again! I’m teachin’ ya stuff!)

Remember No-Gun Man? I may have a few new stories that are my absolute favorites. Halo! OHMYGOSH! The Imagalisk are my 2 favorite short stories. Both make me WISH these can be true.

This book is Volume 40 Of Writers Of The Future 15 stories and 4 articles. 16 HOURS and 18 minutes. Which got me from Idaho to California. On the plane. SITTING IN TRAFFIC.

Here is what I loved. These are the newest and best Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories. You get to learn about the authors and the process of how the final stories are gathered for the books. If you are a writer DO THIS!!! I’d love to hear your story in Volume 41.


My children eat LATE! YES, everyone has jobs and work late and this is normal. MAYBE it’s just us. DH and I eat early. Like 4pm or 5pm. These people that I birthed eat at 8pm!! (Okay old person talk here……. That’s BED TIME!)


My Summer Vacation Zac's FishMy Summer Vacation Zac's FishMy Summer Vacation ceviche

If you follow me on Instagram you know that my son Zachary went deep sea fishing and caught 2 HUGE tuna. Came a few days later and created an amazing meal of ceviche and tuna rolls. YUM!!! This guy is an amazing chef!

Time Went TO Fast

I had an amazing time. I am rejuvenated. I am happy. I am relaxed. DH did great alone. House still stands. Dog still alive. AND MY KEY still worked in the door. I call that an exceptional vacation.




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