Occupational Therapy For Children

Do you know when to seek occupational therapy for your kids?? I have to admit, I didn’t understand what kinds of benefits children could achieve through with the help of an occupational therapist. First what does an occupational therapist do? Well, in a nutshell they help your kids complete the activities that occupy their day,  for kids it helps their ability to play and learn as an individual. A therapist can help your child if they have trouble focusing. Does your child have trouble staying focused on homework? Or even during school hours? Are they easily distracted, beyond the normal kid stuff? What about fine motor skills and coordination. Does your older child have trouble holding a pencil correctly? Cutting? Folding?  Coloring in the lines?  A therapist can help with that and so much more like:

  • Sensory processingn
  • Attention and arousal
  • Fine motor skills
  • Handwriting
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Play and Social skills
  • Balance and Co-ordination
  • Visual Perception
  • Organisational skills
  • Technology to assist learning
  • Equipment prescription
  • Upper limb therapy
  • Splinting and casting
  • Minor home modifications

Start with asking your child’s teacher to see if he or she could benefit from occupational therapy.  Now, if you are thinking you’ll have to drag your kids kicking and screaming, you won’t!  Your child will find therapy to be fun. Occupational therapy for children is play based, so they will have fun!  You’ll look like a hero! Your children will have fun and get the help they need.  It’s a win win!



    Just ask anyone in Special Ed. about the importance of O.T.! Unfortunately most schools have to do without OT professionals and so teachers incorporate these learning techniques into their classes but it simply isn’t practicable in a busy, crowded class. That’s where the parents/guardians come in to their own and it is remarkable the difference it can make to a child’s development.

  • Marcy Meyer

    Enjoyed this article. Occupational therapy is a very interesting field. My son has ADHD, with some anxiety and oral fixation issues. I’m sure he could benefit from this. Thanks.

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