Seven Small Routines to Stay on Track with Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers new program known as Weight Watchers 360° has a component called “Routines”. Routines are healthy habits that you perform every day without thinking. For example, if you grab your water bottle in the morning and finish it every day, then you have developed a routine. You can learn more about the newly launched Weight Watchers 360° program at

Here are seven small Routines to follow that will help you stay on track with Weight Watchers.  Don’t try to do everything at once – instead, take on one small new thing per week.  Slow and steady wins the race!

Woman_BreakfastEat breakfast.  Choose a meal that is high in protein and will keep you full for a while. A great way to start your day is 1 slice of high-fiber toast, 1 boiled egg, and a piece of fruit.

Leslie Fink, RD, calls breakfast “your secret weapon” for weight loss, and goes on to explain that breakfast supplies the fuel you need to go through the day without overeating. If you don’t have time to sit and enjoy a full-fledged breakfast, then she suggests you eat breakfast on the go. Just take with you a fruit, a whole-wheat toast, a cereal bar, or a smoothie.

Snack often.  Eating small, frequent meals can be a great way to stave off hunger pangs throughout the day.  Be picky about your snacks and choose unprocessed foods that won’t spike your blood sugar.  This way you won’t be craving unhealthy “junk” foods.  Examples of some good snacks include roasted almonds, Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of honey, and baby carrots with a tablespoon of hummus.

Soup it up.  Progresso sells Weight Watchers soups which are 1-2 Points Plus per 1 cup serving.  If you are watching your sodium intake, be mindful of the salt content.  You might want to consider making a large batch of soup to freeze in individual plastic containers to last you through the week.  Make sure to load your soup with 0 Points Plus fruits and veggies such as carrots, bell peppers, celery, tomatoes, and squash.

Water, water, water.  Weight Watchers Good Health Guidelines mandate that you should have six to eight 8oz glasses of water per day.  Water helps your complexion stay clear, cleanses your system, and wards off a sweet tooth.  Sweet cravings are often triggered by dehydration.  You may want to consider investing in a water bottle to make sure that you are getting enough water per day.

Don’t drink your calories.  Save your Points Plus Values for Filling Foods.  Instead of drinking a smoothie or sweetened tea, opt for beverages such as unsweetened tea, black coffee, or sparkling water.  If you are used to drinking soda, seltzer can be a satisfying replacement.  If you are accustomed to drinking sweet beverages, it may take a few days to adjust to the new taste.  However, once you wean yourself off of sweetened beverages, you may not want to look back!

Think fiber.  Beans, lentils, whole-wheat pasta, vegetables, and chickpeas are excellent sources of fiber. Fiber aids in making you feel full, and also helps regulate “good” bacteria in the gut that are important for digestion.

Indulge sometimes.  Go by the 80/20 rule – 80% of the time, eat whole, unprocessed foods, and 20% of the time, indulge in your favorite foods.  Don’t use weight loss as an excuse to avoid going out for dinner and drinks with your friends – just make sure to make good choices for your other meals that week.  Having a “cheat” meal can add variety to your health routine and ensure that you don’t feel deprived.

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