Boogers! Phlegm and Mucus! And A #Sneeve

The cold from HELL has been around in our family for months now. We keep giving back and forth! I’m really ready to pass it along to another family already…. any takers??

One really cool and unique thing I have to help us get rid of this cold is the Sneeve. I have to tell you, Alice was so funny when I told her we were going to review the Sneeve. She turned to me and said “What the heck is a Sneeve?” So I explained it’s a sleeve that goes over your arm, over your sleeve and collects gross things like germs and she immediately said “oh like boogers”  Yup, like boogers.

The Centers for Disease Control recommends coughing and sneezing into the upper sleeve to help stop germs from spreading. Given that kids in the U.S. average about 10 colds a year, that’s a lot of coughing and sneezing into a whole lot of sleeves.

So I snapped some pictures of Alice with her Sneeve on then we did our video review. All is well; the review is going great; I mean hello, why wouldn’t it? Cute kid, ingenious product.

Each Sneeve fits well; and are comfortable to wear per 4-year-old Alice. The Sneeve fits at the crook of your arm; over the elbow. This way when kids do the vampire sneeze or cough, the Sneeve catches the germs!  Best of all these Anti-Viral sleeves kill 99.9% of all germs! Seriously! How cool is that?!?!  There are 7 sleeves per package.

The bright blue Sneeve fits comfortably on most kids 3 to 8 and reminds them to cough and sneeze into their arms. It resembles the compression sleeves that athletes use, and showimage1 (2)s kids how they can have power over germs. The anti‐microbial application, used in hospitals, is made from citric acid and silver. It’s safe for kids but merciless on viruses and bacteria.

I was showing Alice the cute little sticker that came on the package of the Sneeves. The sticker has a cartoon nose; with of course; green snot. Alice thought this sticker was the funniest thing ever and went t work patiently and meticulously peeling the sticker away from the package.  Later in the day Alice and myself were working on a different review of these cute little wooden dolls when this happened (The reviewer in me immediately went into product mode!! You can hear me in the background scrambling for the Sneeves! This was too good to pass up)

The Sneeve, made entirely in the U.S., is available now at, and will be available at chain drug stores and other retailers early next year. Price online is $9.99 for a box of 7, with free two-day shipping with the purchase of two boxes or more.


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Not a single whine here. Sneeves are soft, stretchy, absorbent little sleeve that kids wear over their arms, shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts or pajamas to catch the yucky stuff and help stop it from spreading. One Sneeve will last a full day!! Not only protecting your child’s clothing but absorbing phlegm and mucus; a full 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on contact!! What could I whine about?!

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