Souvenir A Day Giveaway! 2015 Day 5

*** Weather Update*** Well, Mother Nature has finally blessed California with some MUCH needed rain and in Yosemite SNOW!! So, rather than take the chance of getting snowed in (with a 3 year-old!?! Nooooo) we are now changing our camping plans. Dana Point’s Doheny State Beach here we come!!  I’m confident that I can still find Souvenirs! I WILL find something!! And no, it won’t be a rock. I promise!

Here I am again. This is day 5 of my Yosemite, I’m going INSANE camping trip. I do NOT unplug well!!
If this is your first visit for the Yosemite Souvenir A Day Giveaway here is a brief run down…..

The first of May came around and while I was excited about my upcoming camping trip to Yosemite, I was stressed about my blog. I started wracking my brain on how to keep y’all coming here everyday without me constantly reminding you! Here is what I came up with……… a souvenir giveaway!!

Now, it’s not a big giveaway, BUT, everyday while I am camping a new giveaway will start. These are short giveaways with only 5 entries each. The prize is a souvenir from Yosemite. Each prize will be under $10.00. Maybe a magnet, key ring or ???? Each one will be different and from Yosemite National Park.


Good Luck!! And truly, THANK YOU for visiting!!

If you collect souvenir pennies, spoons, patches, pencils or magnets be sure to let me know and I’ll be sure to send you that item if you win.

Thank you again!! Now, you go enter……… and we are all going to pretend that I’m not going INSANE being unplugged for a week. A WEEK!!! In Internet days this is like MONTHS!!! Did I say that already!?


  • Stacy

    I would save my external hard drive, it has all of my pictures and a lot of my writing and other items on my PC that I wanted to back up. Just after my Dad died 5 years ago, my Mom’s computer crashed and she lost EVERYTHING she had! Luckily she had sent me a lot of pictures and I was able to replace many of them. It just made me realize a) how reliant we are on digital photos/technology and b) how heart breaking it is to lose photos of loved ones that have passed away.

  • vicki wurgler

    I’d grab my laptop. Or an old jewelry box from my grandmother, there are some earrings and necklaces that mean alot to me

  • Christine Beasley

    I would grab my backpack/purse with Bible and laptop, as they would be together. Most of what is needed to restart is there.

  • Judy maharrey

    My purse! I live out of my purse, it has all I’d, credit cards, cash, Kleenexes! This was a hard one.

  • Audra watts

    I would have to get my baby blanket. It’s 32 years old has been patched over and over again and j still sleep with it every night

  • Jillian Too

    I have a portable external hard drive that I use to constantly back up my computer, phone and pictures that I would grab. My pictures are very important to me and I feel like I would be lost if I had to start over digitally from scratch.

  • Maryann D.

    I would probably grab the painting that my daughter did of my cat. I would probably grab as many of her paintings as I could.

  • sandra davis

    That is a tough question. I think I would have to grab this beautiful picture of my Mom and Dad that I have on my fireplace. Since my Mom passed away that picture sometimes gives me just what I need to make it through my day.

  • Raine

    I keep all of the family photos going back over 4 generations in a bag hanging in my closet. I would definitely grab that, none of them are scanned or duplicated so what’s in the bag is our family’s history in a way. I know you said one thing and the photos are priceless but right next to them are my fiance’s ashes, I would put them in the bag and get out. It’s an impossible choice between the two.

  • Tara Short

    Ooo, this is a tough one! In all honesty, it would probably be something stupid and trivial. I would be so caught up in the moment that I’d end up grabbing the mail or a candy bar.

  • Karen R

    I guess I would have to grab my purse. It would be good to have credit cards and a little cash. Also, it would be a pain in the neck to replace SS card and driver’s license.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I would grab the box with all my family tree records (over 20 years of work), which also has the old family photos! Everything else can be replaced.

  • Denise E.

    I like to collect Christmas ornaments from my travels. I used to collect both matchbooks and magnets, but no one gives out matches any longer and my fridge got so cluttered I had to get rid of most of the magnets!

  • Denise E.

    I guess I would have to save my oldest photo album. I no longer have a film camera and years ago discarded any negatives from the prints. The oldest album contains all the pictures I have of my children as youngsters. I was divorced from their dad years ago and he kept all the photo albums. When he passed away last year his widow graciously gave me one of those old albums. Bless her heart!

  • amanda rauch

    I would save the ashes of my dad and sister. I would feel horrible to lose those-it is pretty much all i have left of them both.

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