June’s $35 Your Way Giveaway
Hello my darling little peanuts!! I guess you guys and gals aren’t tired of this giveaway yet, so I’m back again with my monthly $35 Your Way Giveaway Single blog giveaway! Yup, just me! Still my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! May was another very successful month!! Congratulations goes to Anita L.
On to June’s Giveaway, same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I can’t help myself! I LOVE my FANS!! This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated.
Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $35 Your Way Giveaway
Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Voting for me on Picket Fence and Top Giveaway Blogs. Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!! Because of Facebook’s new rules I can’t make Facebook likes an entry HOWEVER!!! I am giving extra entries if you share this giveaway on Facebook, the entry is REFER FRIENDS FOR EXTRA ENTRIES.
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!
$35 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks or Amazon Gift Card giveaway!! Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!! I really am blessed to have each and every one of you!!
The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.
If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!! There will be a $35 (Or will it be MORE?!?!? You will have to come check and see!! Aren’t I sneaky??) giveaway every month!! AND a Diamond Candle Giveaway too!
Now, off ya go. Good Luck!! And truly, thank you for your support!!

No mad yet but it’s only 10.30am so there’s plenty of time!
I’m hopeful that we get through this week. We’re busy every day with hospital visits and then we have Dad’s 2 sisters coming over from the UK for what would have been his birthday on the 28th.
Today I’m happy that we got through yesterday, Father’s Day, without too much distress.
Father’s day was a nice relaxing family filled day which made me very happy. I’m hopeful for a nice week ahead and that it will go quickly. I’m mad that the weather forecast is threatening triple digits before the end of the month. It’s toooo soon and I don’t even like it when we hit a hundred in August!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s again a bleak day and cold when it’s summer everywhere else. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it’s the last week of this month meaning I’m closer to my summer holiday. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I made beautiful cupcakes for my niece’s birthday and she loves them. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Christy Caldwell
I’m hopeful that my mom truly loves my dad and won’t shoot him this week. He took early retirement and she’s very unhappy. Also, she’s a very good shot! Hehe
Christy Caldwell
I’m mad today because I have to drag kids out of school to the grocery store later today. Why? Why can’t I be rich and have my assistant do my shopping? 😉
Christy Caldwell
I am happy today because I got to see my fiance get so excited about his measly gifts. He’s so genuine and so easy to please. Most days I really wish my boys belonged to someone so selfless.
Sarah L
I was happy to have a quiet day at home.
Hopeful that the week won’t be too hot.
No mad today.
Carol S.
Hopefully it will be nice out tomorrow or the next day so I can go out and fix my gardens that the hogs ruined. We had a nice steady rain today so everything is soaked nicely and I would like it to dry out a little before I work in it.
Christy Peeples DuBois
There were situations I got irritated with a little today but not actually mad. If I did cross over to madness it would be at myself for allowing my thoughts to go there. I can choose to change the thoughts that make me mad to thoughts that are happy and then my feelings will change with them usually.
Carol S.
I am so mad at those groundhogs! I found out it is a whole family and 2 of the babies were out tearing up my garden today. Ahhhhrgg. They must go.
Carol S.
I am happy to see that you are hanging in 1st place on Top Giveaway Blogs! It has been a few consecutive days – yay!
Christy Peeples DuBois
Hopefull thoughts are sometimes hard for me however I do hope my daughters are content and at peace with God, themselves and others when they lay dawn every night.
Christy Peeples DuBois
We had a day early birthday lunch for my oldest daughter that will be 22 tomorrow. It is so hard to believe she is 22. We miss my dad not being here any longer but know he’s celebrating in heaven.
Starla B
I am very hopeful today that I will be able to visit my Daddy soon. Today is Father’s Day so that makes me sad, but hopefully I can go see him next weekend!
Starla B
I am happy today because it’s my off day. I work at two hospitals and 12 hours at that- so, needless to say I enjoy every off day I get!
I’m happy that today is Sunday and Father’s Day. We’re just taking the day to relax which should be really nice. I’m hopeful that this week will go by smoothly and quickly. I’m mad at my tummy troubles this morning.
Faye Gates
I’m so happy today, because my sick cat is doing better. I am also happy that, we as a family, attended church together. I live in Charleston, SC, and at 10:00 am, all church bells rang 9 times in memory of our friends and neighbors, that were killed in that horrible church shooting. It’s been so sad here, as of late.
Not mad, just sad. Father’s Day and he’s not here any more. I’m not religious at all and don’t believe in an afterlife but I did tell him I loved him anyway.
I have to go for blood tests in the morning so I’m hopeful that the results a) are good & b) that I don’t have to wait for ages to hear.
Today I managed to walk unaided! I just have to remember not to overdo it!
Desiree Dunbar
What made me happy today is playing our 3 month old puppy.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s Father’s Day and I can’t be there with dad. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because all the cleaning is done before 12 and the rest of the day is for relaxing. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because the boyfriend is out with his friends and I’m having quality time for myself. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Carol S.
I am hopeful that tomorrow will be a nice relaxing day. It is supposed to rain in the afternoon so it sounds like a good day to sack out on the couch with a good book.
Carol S.
I am angry that at the ground hog we have runniing around here. He/she seems to like my peony plants! If only it would go to the live trap we have set for it!
Carol S.
I am so happy that my son spent the night and we had such a great visit. Hes off once again, hope he don’t stay away very long.
Sarah L
I was happy to finally ride the West light rail (opened 8 months ago).
Hopeful that tomorrow won’t be too hot.
No mad today.
Happy Summer tomorrow.
Wanda McHenry
I have a good day today! Nothing has made me mad, but the day isn’t over yet.
Wanda McHenry
I am hopeful that the side effects of my mom’s new blood pressure medication will go away so she won’t be lightheaded or dizzy anymore. Also, I hope it works since she just acquired high blood pressure.
Wanda McHenry
Hanging my large new “loud” windchime made me happy today!
Juanita A May
My hubby and granddaughter made me happy by weeding the veggie garden today! I picked a bunch of green beans too!
Laurie P
Pretty happy it’s Saturday and the sun is shining. The weather, especially the temperature is absolutely perfect today!
The totally pleasant weather this morning made me happy today. Tummy troubles and sunburn are making me mad today. I’m hopeful for still getting stuff done even though I don’t feel well, lots of projects around the house just need fixin’!
Tomorrow is Father’s Day & I’m mad, sad & feeling lost because he won’t be here. It would have been his 82nd birthday on Sunday the 28th and of course, typical me, I had already bought him a present back in the January sales months before he died. Stupid man, what’d did he have to go and do that for…
I’ve got lots of little jobs that need doing but I haven’t felt like doing them lately. However today I’ve already made a start & I’m hopeful that I can get them all done this weekend.
I’m happy today because, well, I’ve plenty to be miserable about, but what’s the point really? It must be the English in me: backs against the wall, ‘Keep Calm & Carry On’, stiff-upper lip & all that!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I can’t finish 4km run after 2 days of resting. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I still have tomorrow as a day off to do the shopping. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s a Saturday without work and I’m relaxing at home. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
My husband is always telling me he’s done buying for his hobby but he’s not. He uses my paypal and that gets me mad.
I’m hopeful because I’m without pain this evening. All day I was in discomfort from arthritis but it’s calmed down and I only have one small ache. I’m hoping tomorrow is as good as it is now.
I got a manicure today and it’s red, white and blue. It’s so colorful and playful.
I am hopeful today as my daughter just finished up her training in hopes to get a job. In addition, she will be able to sustain housing in the very near future.
What made me mad today is Walgreens.com as every time I order contact lenses through them they make horrific mistakes in the order and once again, they did it to me. I doubt that I will be placing another order with them in the future.
What made me glad today is that the chiropractor was able to get me back into adjustment as I was in so much pain.
Carol S.
I am mad that the cable company still has not come out to fix the tv and internet reception. We live in an area where we have no other choices of companies to order through and I think they use that to their advantage at times.
Carol S.
Hopefully I will be able to get a couple good meals into my son before he decides to leave tomorrow. I wish he would eat better when he isn’t here.
Carol S.
I am so very happy that my youngest son is here today and spending the night also. I haven’t seen him in a couple weeks so it was a surprise to see him.
Sarah L
I was very happy to get the email from you saying I won the IntelliARMOR Screen Protector.
Hopeful that I’ll have fun tomorrow at the mock jury trial.
No mad today. (sad that it’s so hot)
Kathleen S.
I went on a walk with my kids and we ended up at the library! I found a book to read… so did my daughters! That made me happy. They are reading vs. watching a screen! 🙂
Wanda McHenry
Buying a VERY LOUD wind chime with butterflies on it made me happy today.
Heather Cowin
As usual, my six beautiful dogs and my wonderful husband made me HAPPY today! Our garden is growing a storm, too!!!
I am HOPEFUL today because I had a job interview for a non-profit organization. It is not my dream job, but it will get me out of the dead-end retail job that I have. I have an MA that I am not using, and this job would at least let me use some of my education.
I’m happy that my sunburn is feeling better this morning. I think I can wear sleeves again! I’m hopeful that my church’s rummage sale will raise a lot of funds for the youth group this weekend. I’m still mad about my sunburn, but oh well.
I’m hopeful that my problem will be sorted soon so I can start practising walking again and that Mum’s pre-op assessment goes awell on Tuesday.
I’m mad today because I’m just back from the doctor & he reckons I’ve got gout! I mean, what next? I’ve got to have some blood tests on Monday before he can be certain and then prescribe something to lower my uric acid levels but until then just use an anti-inflammatory gel to help bring down the swelling. At least he’s ruled out that it’s my diet that’s causing the problem so just one of those things, I guess.
I’m happy because it’s another beautifully warm day, perfect for sitting about & doing as little as possible (if only one could!).
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the swiss roll is not moist and soft even though I made everything according to the instruction. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I decided to sell all my read books at the yard sales next weekend. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s a Friday off work and we’re having swiss roll as breakfast. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Carol S.
I am angry that I have to keep calling the cable/internet company as we either have miserable reception or none at all. This having to call every other day or so is getting really old!
Carol S.
I am hopeful that the weekend weather will stay nice like the past few days. Tonight it is supposed to rain a little but end by morning. Yay I like it when that happens.
Carol S.
I am so happy to see that you are still hanging in the #1 spot on Top Giveaway Blogs! That right where PBnWhine deserve to be. Thanks for all that you do.
Sarah L
Happy to have a good first Sensory Garden tour. Couple minor glitches, but everyone left happy.
Hopeful we’ll get the glitches fixed for the next tour.
No mad today.
Waking up feeling rested made me happy today, it’s a bit of a rarity! Knowing the week is more than halfway over made me hopeful for getting stuff done again this weekend and getting some relaxing in there too. The darn sunburn on my shoulders is making me pretty mad today. 🙁
Michaela K
I’m happy because today is my birthday! I’m also happy because I get to spend it with my hubby, kids and mom. They make my little world a whole lot brighter.
I’m mad & a bit worried because I woke up yesterday with a badly swollen foot. It was all red & hot around my big toe joint and I couldn’t remember hurting it. I dosed myself with antihistamine & ibobrufen and set the alarm for early so as to ring the doc first thing this morning but it seems a lot better so I didn’t bother. I’m beginning to think it might have been a horsefly bite as they’ve been abundant again this year. Ah, the joys of country living!
I’m hopeful that the lovely weather will last until the weekend. It can bucket down cats & dogs on Monday for all I care but let’s have a nice weekend pretty please?
Today I’m happy to have more of Dad’s things sorted out. I haven’t even thought about his clothes & stuff but at least the official stuff is done.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because there’s no opening entertainment place during midsummer vacation time. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because we will have a girls reunion tomorrow and cooking good food. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s the last work day before a 3 day midsummer vacation. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Cynthia Knisely
I had a doctor’s appointment today. When I told her what was going on with me. It was like she didn’t listen to a word I said. It made me mad.
Cynthia Knisely
What I found hopeful today is they might have a new drug to fight Fybromalgia. Which I have and don’t know how to spell.
Cynthia Knisely
What made me happy today is getting to ride around with my husband looking at the beautiful green in Michigan
Finding a nice little fan in the garage that I’d forgotten about made me happy, as I’d been planning to go buy one.
Wanda McHenry
Going shopping with my mom made me happy today.
Sarah L
Happy to be in the concert tonight.
Hopeful that lots of people will come to see it.
No mad today.
Carol S.
I am mad that I have received another item through the mail that doesn’t work. And I have to pay shipping to ship it back to have it exchanged. It is obvious that it is the item is malfunctioning so I’m not even sure I want an exchange. Ugghhh!
Carol S.
I am hopeful that tomorrow I will be able to complete everything I have on my list to do. After having such a positive day today I am anxious to turn tomorrow into a positive and fulfilling day also.
Carol S.
I am so happy that the dreaded chores I had to force myself to do today didn’t turn out that bad afterall! But I am glad it is done and over with.
Getting to hang out with my bestie and her kiddos today is making me happy. I’m hopeful for fruitful conversation and a fun afternoon. I’m mad at my rude tummy today, it’s been acting up the last few days. :/
I only a wee bit mad and that’s only because I’m tired. Sitting for a couple of hours in 23* humid heat (about 72 Fahrenheit) has left me feeling wilted! I’d be no good in California, Connie! It’s got a stormy feel about it so that would clear the air a bit.
I hopeful that I get my results sooner rather than later – I have absolutely no patience!
Today I had to get up early to be driven to a hospital in Dublin for a follow-up appointment and all went well so that’s good news!
Tiffany T
What made me happy today was being able to wake up early to start the day without needing my alarm, and it feels refreshing!
Short, but sweet phone talk with my mom early in the morning made me happy today! 🙂
Kathy Ross
I was sad we didn’t win on scratch tickets. We won very very little, but I guess it’s not worth getting mad because of things we have no control over.
Kathy Ross
I’m hopeful that we have a nice weekend. If it’s nice then I can recycle.
Kathy Ross
I was happy that my bf’s check finally came. We needed to pay bills and others things.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful some day bad people will die out to give living space for dogs. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because a bad customer appeared at work yesterday and he made everything miserable. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I had cottage cheese at lunch today and I think it’s becoming better. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Tamra Phelps
Why am I hopeful today? I’m hopeful that I can lose some pounds this month. I need to get my weight down a little for my diabetes.
Tamra Phelps
I’m not really mad today. I’ve just had the usual peeves today, lol.
Tamra Phelps
Why be happy today? well, I got a signed photo, framed, that I won in a contest. That made me happy!
Sarah L
I was happy to have my car pass the emissions inspection today.
Hopeful that the concert tomorrow will be awesome!
No mad today.
Carol S.
My husband was so kind to do a load of his laundry while I was away. Except he left them in the washer and forgot to put them in the dryer. Why am I angry? Because that was 2 days ago and I just found the clothes which stink stink stink as they soured sitting in the washer that long. Now I have to go to extra measures and take the time to try and save them. Luckily they are his clothes so if I cannot get the odor out of some of them maybe he will have learned a lesson!
I’m happy that my hubby and I were able to can 18 pints of chicken last night in my new All American 30 quart pressure canner/ behemoth. That was SOOOO much easier than running 4 cycles through my 10 quart canner. I’m hopeful that when we get our 80 lbs of chicken at the end of this month that we’ll run through the canning process like a well oiled machine. We had a bit of getting used to using a weighted canner/ our propane burner instead of stovetop. I’m mad that I stayed up too late doing said canning and I’m now tired as all get out.
Carol S.
I am hopeful that everyone living within the storms down south will be safe. And hopefully they will all listen to the warnings and do as instructed.
Carol S.
I am so happy to see that you are back to the #1 spot on Top Giveaway Blogs! Congrats and hopefully with all our help we can keep you there or at least in the top 3!
Ha! Just noticed my typo! ‘ Dooing’ the driving! Anyway, my reason for being hopeful today is that Mum’s in good spirits and she had a great night’s sleep which will go a long way to building up her strength before her op. to remove the tumour.
I have to go to Dublin tomorrow for a follow-up appointment. I wouldn’t mind it if I was the one dooing the driving but I’m still not allopwed to drive & I hate being dependent on others so that’s my bit of madness for today.
Today I’m happy because I’ve finally got Mum’s UK pension sorted. Getting the money is great but there’s an awful lot of red tape to crawl through when you live outside the country.
The thing that made me mad today was that two rugs I had outside got rained and are now drenched. The thing that made me hopeful was that it has stopped raining. The thing that made me happy was that the sun is out so the rugs will dry soon.
What made me mad today is that my own mother talking bad about my daughter. My mother has crossed the line too many times doing this even when I ask her not to talk about my child that way.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I am so dumb I can’t manage the language after 5 years living in this foreign country. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because make a wish to be living in the capital city one day. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because the coffee machine is back at work after a long time being broken. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
I was upset because my bf’s check didn’t come like it should have. He was really pisd because he had planned to do some work on his moms truck today but needed money from his check to do so. Now he’s not sure when he’ll get to do it now.
Kathy Ross
I’m hopeful that my health will get better. I have a lot of appointments made. So I hope they aren’t wasted visits and they can help.
Kathy Ross
Nothing happened to really make me happy. I guess just being here another day makes me happy.
Carol S.
I am mad that the cable company service sucks. Along with their customer service! We rarely have full service on internet and on tv but yet our charges keep going up every other month. GRRR
Carol S.
I hope I get to see my grandchildren soon. I miss them so much and they seem to grow so much each time I do see them.
Carol S.
I am happy that I accomplished paying the bills today. Not happy about spending the money on them but glad its done and filed!
Sarah L
Happy to learn I get to be part of a concert this week.
Hopeful it will go well.
No mad today.
I’m a little bit mad at Dad today: PLEASE, if you pay utility bills online write down the passwords somewhere! It’s taken ages to get them all sorted and it’s so unlike Dad to have left things in a mess. Still, it’s more or less sorted but take note fellow peanuts and get everything on paper so that those left behind aren’t lumbered with unnecessary worries.
I’m still hoping against hope that Mum’s cancer can be operated on successfully.
Today I’m happy because my niece passed her driving test! How can this be? Seems like only yesterday that she was learning to ride a bicycle!
Picking up my 40 lbs of quick frozen boneless skinless chicken thighs from Zaycon made me happy today. The weather forecast for today made me mad, too hot!! I’m hopeful that the weather forecast is wrong and it will stay below 80 today. 🙂
Julie Wood
I am mad today because my fridge is going out. I do not want to buy another one right now.
Julie Wood
I am hopeful today that I will get all my work done.
Julie Wood
I am happy today because I won $100 dollars on a blog.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because a friend found her lost dog after 2 days so I still carry hope my dog will come home. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I am too stupid I can’t think of a solution of my life’s biggest problem. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I am alone in my room working peacefully without the other colleague bugging all the time as usual. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
I was bummed out today because I didn’t find what I wanted to. I collect recycle and turn it in, but didn’t find much today.
Kathy Ross
I’m hopeful that maybe I can have a yard sale. I’ve found a lot of things to get rid of.
Kathy Ross
I was happy pretty much all day long. Nothing in particular made me happy, it was just an overall good day.
Sarah L
I was very happy to see KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities Cirque du Soleil – excellent show.
Hopeful that I’ll have a good week.
No mad today.
Wendy R.
My husband made dinner today. That was nice! I really hate cooking. 🙂
Carol S.
I am mad that my husband insisted on driving 50 miles to a store for one item to find that they did not have it. He ended up finding the item right at our small town hardware store 6 miles down the road! I wish he would listen to me!
Carol S.
I am hoping to accomplish a few things tomorrow before it starts raining. I know if I put my mind to it I can get up in the morning and do this!
Carol S.
I am happy that I was able to have a day of relaxation and alone time. It felt so nice but then again it seemed the day went by way to fast!
A nice chat with a friend made me happy.
What made me HAPPY today was running into a friend I have not talked to in probably a year! After I got promoted at my current job and my schedule changed, we barely saw each other. Then I got a new phone in March and lost all of my contacts so I couldn’t even call him! I am so glad I saw him at the store and we were able to exchange numbers and we even have a breakfast date for Friday morning.
Hopeful because I think summer is on it’s way.
Julie Wood
I am mad because I am not losing weight fast enough. I do not want to weigh myself today.
Julie Wood
I am hopeful today that I will be going over to visit my brother and have dinner with him.
Julie Wood
I am happy today because I made waffles and they turned out delicious for breakfast.
The only thing that got me mad so far was the behaviour of the children at the blessing service. The priest & minister were doing their bit but we really couldn’t hear them because of children running around playing. I mean this was a solemn ceremony but they were carrying on like it was a picnic and the parents didn’t seem bothered.
Mum’s going for her pre-op assessment on Tuesday & I’m hopeful that she won’t find it all too tiring. Mine took a good 3 hours between x-rays, blood tests etc. and she has difficulty walking & can’t be far from a toilet so it’s going to be tough on her.
Today I’m happy because The Tommy Cat got buried! And it was the day for the annual blessings of the graves in the village so Dad got blessed as well. I’m not a believer but the graveyard did look lovely all tidied up & with flowers everywhere.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I feel too incompetent. I can’t even get into a master degree program of the small town. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because the warm days begin from here and I can be outside without jacket from now on. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I realize I live in 1 of the safest countries in the world. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
I wasn’t mad, of course, but we went to the casino today. To put it mildly, we weren’t big winners. Maybe next time.
Kathy Ross
My girlfriend is trying really hard to changes certain habits and she seems to be doing good. I’m hopeful she’ll keep at it.
Kathy Ross
I was happy that I was able to spend the afternoon with my girlfriend who’s sick.
Finding gluten free wafer ice cream cones made me enormously happy today! AHHH.. I seriously made an ice cream cone to eat on the way home and used a plastic spoon as my scoop. LOL. It was sooo good! Also, cashew milk chocolate truffle ice cream from So Delicious is.. so delicious. 🙂 I’m hopeful because of all of the incredible options for gluten and dairy free that have come out in the last year… and for all of the options to come. I’m just mad about being achy today, but that’s nothing new. 🙂
Carol S.
I am so mad that my old neighbor drove into the driveway today and spun around in a circle and tore up the dirt. I swear he did that just to remind us what it was like when he lived next door! I think next time I will be prepared with taking a video or picks and then call the police.
Carol S.
I am hopeful that nothing out of the ordinary pops up tomorrow as I plan on doing absolutely nothing. I would love to have the day to just relax maybe do some reading and possibly a little pampering.
Carol S.
I am so happy that everything worked out perfecct today. Accomplished tons of outside repairs/maintenance, it was a beautiful day weatherwise.
Cathy French
Today the only thing that even sorta made me mad was when the coffee pot was empty. Love my coffee
Cathy French
Today I’m hopeful I can finally get around to hanging my new curtains. Bought them a week ago and still haven’t hung them up.
Cathy French
Even though I am not a morning person, I was happy today that I woke early and rested. Have to do a lot of chores today
Julie Wood
I am so mad at jaywalkers that put other people’s lives at stake when they decide to run in front of traffic!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful today that I will be able to take my sister and niece with me today to the beach.
Julie Wood
I am happy today because I am going to the beach!!
I’m only a little peeved, rather than actually mad, because my leg hurt like hell last night & again today. I’ve been overdoing it again & now I’m paying the price. I’m always telling others to listen to their bodies; it’s about time I learnt to practice what I preach.
Hopefully we’ll be able to bury The Tommy Cat tomorrow although the ground’s really dry, but we’ll do our best to give him a decent send-off. I can’t leave him in the freezer for ever!
The weather is lovely today so that’s made me happy! I’ve been getting lots of little catch-up jobs done outside (well, the ones I can manage from my wheelchair at least).
I’m happy that it’s the weekend and we have a lot of projects on the agenda to get done. I’m hopeful that we will be able to get said projects taken care of with the least amount of oopsies or surprises! I’m mad that I woke up with an angry eye, it’s all itchy and dry and rude. :/
Mai T.
I’m hopeful one day I’d have enough money to export all dogs out of the disgusting Vietnam. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because my mom’s dog was snatched by thieves. I cried my eyes out. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I had pavlova and lemonade as breakfast. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
Happy to have a nice visit with a friend and to have some sunshine.
Hopeful that tomorrow will be nice.
Mad that the bad storm blew down the tents at the book sale and they had to cancel it.
I’m only a little bit mad today because I checked the weather forecast, which was for dry, warm weather, so I spent over an hour watering the outside planters. Then, yes, you’ve guessed it, it rained! Still, there’s not much point getting annoyed at the weather, this is Ireland after all!
I’m still hopeful that Mum’s op goes ok & that they will be able to remove all of the tumour. Thankfully it hasn’t spread to anywhere else but she might still need chemo afterwards.
I’m happy today because I arranged for the public health nurse to visit Mum. Mum was extremely annoyed when I told her but now that the nurse has gone she’s actually relieved. She will now be able to get a helping hand every day when she gets home after her op to remove the tumour.
I am immensely happy this morning because my hubby woke up to an e-mail that he won a Walther handgun! Ahhh!! We’ve never won anything substantial and he’s been itching all year to buy something shiny but we agreed he wouldn’t buy anything in 2015, well.. winning doesn’t count!
I’m hopeful for my lovely cousin’s upcoming wedding and marriage. She’s found an amazing guy and has had a rough go of life, so I’m filled with happiness and hope for her future!
Not mad at a single thing this morning, I’m achy but I’m on an endorphin rush so I’m not mad at all! Lol!
Laurie P
Happy Friday!
I got much needed dental work done without a hitch today that made me happy.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I can’t attend outing day with colleagues since I have to go to another work place. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it’s the first week of the new job and I’m doing great. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s Friday again and people are leaving early home from work so it’s quiet. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
I was happy to get a good massage today.
Hopeful that the rains will hold off for the book sale.
No mad today
Mad? Of course I’m mad. I’m mad as hell that Dad died, that Mum found out that she has cancer and now The Tommy Cat has died as well. Sometimes I just sit & look out the window & wonder what the hell I’m supposed to do and sometimes, like now, I sing ‘I Need A Hero’ at the top of my voice!
Mum’s got her pre-op assessment date – just over a week away. She’s really worried, naturally enough and has begun to get her affairs in order “just in case”. I’m trying to convince her that her op will be a success and that all the cancer will be removed, but she’s not buying it. Hopefully, between now & then she’ll come to terms with having cancer and start kicking back.
I’m happy that I got to spend hours in the garden today tidying up. Dad’s 2 sisters are coming over for what would have been his birthday on the 28th and I’ve let things slide since he died in April so I’m glad that the garden looks tidy again.
I’m happy that I woke up feeling rested this morning. I’m hopeful that feeling decent will continue throughout the day so I can get stuff done! Like laundry… wee. I’m mad that no matter how I’m sitting this morning my leg keeps falling dead asleep, like the painful and rude pins and needles. :/
Julie Wood
I am made because someone let there dog doodo in my yard. Come on people pick it up!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful today that I will be able to get some housework done!
Julie Wood
I am happy today because I was able to pay a bill off in full!!
Bad drivers nearly getting us into an accident made me mad today.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I had to pay almost 600$ for tax return. What a pain! Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because my 3 kilograms of books arrived and I hope no book is damaged. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I won an eye shadow palette from an online contest. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
I’m mad about a lot of things right now! The lady in a convenient store was rude to me (as well as others). I’m calling or mailing her company and filing a complaint.
Kathy Ross
I have no hopes at all! I’m really depressed right now!
Kathy Ross
Nothing made me happy today. I’ve had a really crappy day!
Carol S.
I am mad that I had packages delivered today by UPS and the were all crushed. Sometimes I really wonder exactly what packages go through in shipping!
Carol S.
I am back to being hopeful that we can get you back to the #1 spot on Top Giveaway Blogs! But I am certain that we can do it!
Carol S.
I am happy that the weather was so nice today. Perfect temps, perfect sunshine, just perfect all over!
Sarah L
I was happy to have 2 new people in my swim class.
Hopeful that they will come back.
Bit miffed that tomorrow is supposed to be rainy for the outdoor book sale.
joanna reed
I am happy because I got up early to make my husband coffee cake before he left for work and he loved it.
I’m mad because I ended up having to put The Tommy Cat in our spare freezer in the garage! I know it sounds awful but I didn’t have a choice as I can’t dig a hole for him and my niece can’t help until the weekend. Anyway, I’ve just been down to check on him and he’s perfect. It looks as though he’s just curled up sleeping except that he’s frozen! We’ll give him a proper send-off on Sunday.
Though it is here it is a bit humid but I have to say Summer is finally here.
I’m hopeful that Mum hears soon about her op. She can’t sleep for worrying and then I can’t sleep for worrying about her …
Today I’m happy because I managed to do quite a bit of weeding. Every little helps when it comes to gardening as there’s always something to do!
One thing that made me happy today was looking at my bookshelf because I love reading. One thing that made me hopeful was thinking about the millions of books that are waiting for me, and one thing that made me just a little mad is the fact that next year I will have to start working to afford books, but, oh, well…
I’m mad at the dude somewhere nearby who has been obnoxiously revving his engine for the last half hour straight. I’m happy that the week is halfway over and that it’s gone by fast so far. I’m hopeful that it won’t get too hot today and that I’ll feel well enough to be at least a little bit productive.
Julie Wood
I am mad because it does not seem that I am losing weight fast enough!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful today that my nephew will get better and kick cancer from chemo treatment.
Julie Wood
I am happy today because my dog is not sick anymore!!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the sky is again bleak and the temperature is below 10 celcius for a summer day. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I have salmon as lunch after a long long time. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I came to work early and there was no one yet here to disturb me working. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
I wasn’t upset about anything today. The dog gets on my nerves because he pretends he has to go out and when we go he just messes around.
Kathy Ross
I’m hopeful that my bf will cook for his mother and his self. I won’t be able to for a few days.
Kathy Ross
I was happy when I found a $1. Who can’t use that?
I’m happy because I get to pet-sit my grandparent’s dog today. 🙂
Having a big pot of chicken chili burbling on the stove is making me happy.
Waiting on the phone for THIRTY TWO MINUTES for a customer service rep to answer made me mad.
Sarah L
Happy for a quiet day at home with no rain.
Hopeful that the book sale will go well this week.
No mad today.
john hutchens
No rain and blue skies made me happy today.
Mum is due to get the date for her tumour op any day now. It’s going to be so hard for her but she’s the strongest woman I know as long as she keeps her spirits up. So I have to remain strong & hopeful for her.
I’m just a wee bit mad that because I’m still mostly in a wheelchair. How on earth am I going to dig a hole for The Tommy Cat and what do I do with him in the meantime? I may have to put him in the freezer. That’s a bit grotesque but what else can I do?
Today I’m happy that The Tommy Cat has died. He held out for so long but wasn’t getting any better so I’m just back from the vet. It was time & he was ready to go so though we’ll all miss him, it was the best thing to do.
I’m happy to have woken up to a cool house this morning. It hasn’t cooled off at night the last few days so it was a welcome surprise! I’m hopeful the cool night means our mini heat wave is over so we can get some work done outside the house this week! I’m mad that fruit snacks taste too good and I’ve eaten way more than I should the last few days and now I’m feeling the too much sugar sluggies.
Laurie P
Just a little mad about the rain….not what I want to walk in today!
Laurie P
More potty success for my girl….I think we’re on a roll!
Julie Wood
I am made because I lost my Starbuck’s gift card and I wanted a nice cold drink!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful today that I will be able to take a vacation to see my sister this Summer!
Julie Wood
I am happy today because it is nice outside and I am going for a bike ride today!!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I did not have time to make lunch before leaving for work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it’s the first day of work after the vacation but there’s not much work waiting. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I bought a big bar of dark chocolate from Sweden for work snack. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
Happy to have a good swim class today.
Hopeful that the rains will hold off for a while.
No mad today.
Cathy French
I’m mad I can’t get comfortable in my desk chair. Don’t know exactly whats going on but I have tried different pillows of all sizes an nothing is working.
Cathy French
Today I’m hopeful the mailman or the UPS man is good to me. I’m expecting several packages that are way overdue.
Cathy French
Today I was happy to wake up to relatively clean house. I worked hard yesterday cleaning up.
The only thing that got me mad today was that when I’d got home from seeing my consultant, Dad’s pc had crashed. The printer is linked to his & I needed to get print off some more letters to his bank etc. regarding his death/closing accounts so without his pc working I was scuppered. It took 2 hours but I managed it & that’s a first for me! Dad was always the repair man/computer go-to guy in the family & so far I’ve fixed 2 leaky taps, the fan heater in the shower room and now his pc. I feel oddly guilty about taking over his role in the family but sorry Dad, it has to be done.
I hopeful that my progress continues so that I can get back behind the wheel again. We live in the middle of nowhere and a car is essential. I was beginning to feel trapped but now I can (fingers crossed) see me driving again in a couple of weeks.
Today I’m happy because my surgeon is delighted with my post-op progress.
I’m mad because I was barely able to sleep last night, the A/C was so loud constantly running it’s compressor and it was still too hot. I’m hopeful that the weather will resume it’s normal Pacific Northwest theme soon and the 90 degree weather will go away! I’m happy that I’m fortunate enough to have A/C and that it works! I’m also happy to be sitting on two ice packs right now, LOL!
Julie Wood
I am mad because it is too hot to sleep. We are having a heat wave!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful that my little nephew is going to beat a brain tumor!!
Julie Wood
I am happy that I will be going to see my Dad today!
Laurie P
I’m kinda happy about the gloomy day today…..made me rearrange a day that I wasn’t looking forward to anyway 🙂
Procrastinators unite! ……later.
We spent the morning cleaning out the garage and throwing out old junk and that made me happy.
Sarah L
Happy to get 3 loads of laundry out of the way.
Hopeful that I’ll find someone to take the extra class tomorrow.
No mad today.
We had new neighbors move in yesterday. Their dog broke through the fence and went after our dog…Mad me so angry! Yeah…welcome to the neighborhood!
We had our youngest grandson with us all afternoon-fun day! Made me very happy!
Laurie P
Going for a swim with the kiddos today, that’s making me happy 🙂
But I think they’ve got me beat lol
Waking up this morning thinking it was Monday and realizing it was Sunday made me super happy today! I hate/ love it when I do that. Lol. I’m hopeful that my dad will feel well enough to go fishing for his birthday this afternoon. He’s been sick the last week. 🙁 I’m mad that my canker sore is worse today than yesterday and seriously, in the worst location ever! Bah.
I’m not so much mad as sad as The Tommy Cat really is on his last legs. Soon it’ll just be Mum & me rattling around the house. I’d love to get a couple of kitties that my sister is re-homing for a local welfare society but with Mum’s cancer op. coming up & me unable to walk much it just wouldn’t be fair.
I’m remaining hopeful that my surgeon is happy with my progress so far. I see him again tomorrow morning so fingers crossed.
I’m happy today because it’s lovely outside, I’ve got a bit of gradening done & the swallows are on their eggs in the nest in our front porch! New life – you’ve gotta smile!
Julie Wood
I am mad today because I have to drive 10 miles to get my dog. He got lost.
Julie Wood
I am hopeful today because I visited my nephew and he is having a good day.
Julie Wood
I am happy today because it is nice and warm outside and we are having a family get together.
Kathy Ross
We looked & looked everywhere to find out what we needed to do to get the printer to work & we couldn’t. I was upset about it until my son looked at it and got it to print. Smart young man!
Kathy Ross
Since my son came down today, I’m hopeful that he’ll be down to visit more often.
Kathy Ross
I was so happy today! It was my bf & mine 9th anniversary. And one of my sons from about 45 Minutes away by car, rode his bike all the way to see me. I was a wonderful surprise!
Sarah L
Happy for a quiet day at home (and the email that says I won $100 Visa!)
Hopeful that I’ll get the Visa pretty soon.
No mad today.
Cathy French
Only thing that made me mad today was the traffic going to the store. Should never shop on a saturday
Cathy French
I hope I can keep up this energy I have today to get some things done tonight. Have a feeling tomorrow I won’t do anything.
Cathy French
Being able to pick up over $40 of meat today for free due to a card I received as a gift made me very happy Love adding to our deep freezer
Laurie P
I got to sleep in today, that’s something to be happy about eh!
Julie Wood
What makes me mad is when I fell over my own stupid shoes today!
Julie Wood
What made me hopeful is that I will be able to go to my sister’s Birthday party in another state!
Julie Wood
What made me happy is that it was not hot last night-so I got a good night’s sleep!
Not really mad at anything (so far!)! Just my own impatience as usual. I mean I could really have got these little chores done before now so why the hell didn’t I and then I could have settled down to watch the Ladies Final in the French Open! Serena hasn’t been well this week so it’s not a guaranteed walk-over & should be good!
I’m hopeful that this little energy burst will last a while longer as I’ve been putting off taking up the hem on 2 new pairs of trousers. I need to wear one on Monday when I see my surgeon for a check-up.
I’m having a lovely day so far! I slept well, got to lie in, my rehab exercises are going well, the sun is shining, I’ve pulled up some homegrown new potatoes ready for dinner and now I’m catching up on lots of little itty-bitty chores that didn’t get done during the week.
Tara Short
My coworkers seem to upset me every night I work. They are all so selfish and self-centered. It drives me mad.
My dog being crazy cute and obedient all day today made me happy. The drug house across the way getting busted again tonight made me hopeful that the city will be shutting them down soon! I’m mad about some terribly located canker sores that just won’t go away and hurt even when I’m not moving my mouth! 🙁
Kathy Ross
I try not to get mad, as you know. But I got aggravated because I was trying to download my printer and I couldn’t figure out how to do it. 🙁
Kathy Ross
I’m hopeful that I can print some coupons for the store this week. I haven’t had many lately.
Kathy Ross
My bf got my printer cartridge today. That made me very happy!
its Friday
Sarah L
I was happy to have a good class today.
Hopeful that we won’t get the bad hailstorm like yesterday.
Mad about the poor trees & flowers that got hailed on.
No mad at all today! How could I be after getting such good news?
I’m hopeful that Mum can have the op asap (probably the 1st week in July) followed by a couple of months R&R.
Happy? You bet! Mum’s appointment with the consultant went really well. Yes, she’s got a cancerous tumour but it’s non-invasive & will probably all be able to be removed by an op. Phew! We only had to wait a day or two but it felt like ages.
Kathleen S.
I’m happy that I was able to get my prescription renewed without seeing the doctor. I really need my bp meds! I wasn’t feeling so awesome this morning.. but I’m going to be ok. Glad it’s Friday too! 🙂
I’m happy today because it’s Friday! I’m hopeful that my father-in-law will be able to help with our attic venting tomorrow and that my dad and I will have a great time fishing for his birthday on Sunday. I’m mad that I woke up with a ridiculously obvious and painful pimple on my face! Argh.
Julie Wood
I am mad because I woke up with a headache from yesterday trying to fix a terrible problem!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful that my car maintenance is not going to cost me any money today!
Julie Wood
I am happy today because I am going to the beach!
I am just HAPPY because it is my weekend! I have been fighting a cold all week so now I can just relax for the next two days and recover from being sick.
Christine Beasley
Making it to a Daughters of Norway meeting and finally meeting a friend in person made me happy today.
Carol S.
I am mad that my husband found out this evening that he will need to go into work on Saturday for a few hours. Something like this always comes up every time we have visitors for a weekend!
Carol S.
I am hopeful that I will get through my to do list tomorrow so I can have the weekend free. Having visitors over all weekend makes it busy busy.
Carol S.
I am happy that you are back at #1 on Top Giveaway Blogs! Gee, you seem to bop back and forth from #1 through #3.
Sarah L
Happy that I already received the $200 – turns out it’s for Amazon not Paypal. Fine by me.
Hopeful that I’ll get the mock jury day that will pay me $250.
No mad today.
Tamra Phelps
I’m hopeful it will be a great Summer. School is out tomorrow, so let the Summer begin.
Tamra Phelps
I’m happy to spend some time with my niece & nephews today. Today was their award day at school & both my niece & oldest nephew got awards for academics! Yay! The youngest starts ‘real’ school in the Fall.
Tamra Phelps
Why am I mad today? Argh! I walked across the livingroom floor & stepped in wetness…looked up…there’s a drip coming from the attic. It’s going to be one of those days.
Nothing has made me mad so far but the dinner’s in the oven & hopefully I don’t burn the sweet potatoes!
Mum is seeing her consultant tomorrow evening to discuss her prognosis. She’s convinced herself that nothing can be done but you’ve got to have hope, right?
It’s official: we have a family of swallows in our front porch. We hardly ever use the front door but I’d noticed them to-ing & fro-ing lately so decide to investigate & sure enough I can hear babies! I know it’s going to make a mess but I’ve covered the steps & moved plants so it shouldn’t be too bad. They haven’t come near us for 3 or 4 years so we’re feeling blessed!
Julie Wood
What made me mad is that I have to do dishes all the time.
Julie Wood
What made me hopeful today is that I am losing weight and will continue to.
Julie Wood
What made me happy today is that it is almost Friday and the weekend is here.
I’m happy that my succulent I thought was a gonner is positively thriving this morning! I’m hopeful that it won’t actually hit 90 degrees this weekend and that my father-in-law drilling holes in our soffits will help cool off our attic and in turn, our house. I’m mad that.. it might hit 90 degrees this weekend. Lol.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the new place has my computers exposed to quite many viewers. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because today’s the last working day before a short break off from work tomorrow. We’re going to Prague. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I am getting myself familiarized with the new sitting place and it feels great. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
I’ve been having a good week. Nothing made me mad again today. I didn’t even get upset.
Kathy Ross
My bf still hasn’t got an ink cartridge. I’m remaining hopeful and hope he’ll get one tomorrow.
Kathy Ross
Well, I found some good deals at the store I went to today. I didn’t spend very much but I got a lot for my money. That made me happy!
Carol S.
I am mad that people can’t be so insulting, unkind and down right nasty in public. Makes you wonder how they were raised and if their parents would approve of their actions as adults now. The nerve of some people!
Carol S.
I am hopeful that they will medically find no more health issues with me. Please, I have dealt with so much in the last 8 months.
Carol S.
I am happy to finally get that medical test over with. Now the long wait for results.
Sarah L
I was very happy to get an email saying I won $200 Paypal. Yipee!
Hopeful that the storms won’t be too bad this week.
No mad today.
Alison Tolar
I was mad today when the internet man came to my house and seemed like he didn’t have clue. I really want my internet fixed and working right.
Alison Tolar
I felt hopeful today after talking to my boyfriend on the phone. He is away for a work training and I really miss him. Talking to him made me feel hopeful that he will do well during training and be home soon.
Alison Tolar
I was happy to see my family today, especially my two sweet nephews. My two year old nephew running up to give me a kiss really made my day.
Cathy French
The only thing that made me mad is having to turn on the a/c again. Our weather has been quite strange lately
Cathy French
Today I’m hopeful I can get a head start on my weekly couponing. Must have a detailed list when I go grocery shopping every friday
Cathy French
Today I’m happy I can get a lot of chores done because I have no headache. New meds seem to be working.
Mad? No, nothing much today, for a change. Still who knows, the next 10 minutes could see me ranting about something or other!
I’m hopeful (as ever) that Mum is going to be ok. Losing both parents so quickly would just be too much.
Today I’m happy because I got a great night’s sleep. I’m still tired but another couple of good nights will see me right.
I’m happy I woke up to rainy, stormy weather. It’s barely June and I’m already over summer, lol! (I know, weirdo…) I just found my old wristbraces and I’m hopeful that they’ll help the numbness I’ve been getting. I’m mad that my wrists are bugging me again because it’s been YEARS. :/
Julie Wood
What makes me mad is little kids getting cancer. I have seen the sweet little kids so sick, and I pray for them every day!
Julie Wood
It is looking hopeful that my nephew will have his brain tumor go in remission!
Julie Wood
It does not take much to make me happy, but what made me happy today, is my Caramel Latte! So yummy!
Kathy Ross
I didn’t get too upset with anything today. There was nothing that happened today to upset me.
Kathy Ross
I’m going to a discount store tomorrow and I’m hopeful I’ll find some really good deals. And I’m going with my best friend again.
Kathy Ross
I was happy today because I got to spend quite a few hours with my best friend. And she even took me out to eat.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the Facebook team is such a crap one that they can’t even recognize which one is spam and which is not. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because an online shop owner promised to refund my money back. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because mom was back from her trip with the dogs. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
I was happy to get my silk comforter that I won. Very nice.
Hopeful that my volunteer shift tomorrow will go well.
No mad today.
Waking up to my cat purring and snuggling all over me made me happy today. The storm clouds rolling in made me hopeful for some fun weather! Having a zero energy, extra achey day is making me a bit mad. :/
Carol S.
I am mad that people seem to take advantage of others so frequently. I am in this group that does not deserve the back stabbing and cheating that is going on. I’m just not sure what is wrong with people today.
Carol S.
I am hopeful that I can accomplish a little cooking and preparing of a few special sweets for the weekend. We have company coming and we want to treat them special as we have not seen them for so long.
Carol S.
I am happy that it is so quiet here today, I need the quiet as I’m not up to par today. Not sure if its the dreary weather starting to get to me or what. I’m just happy that its quiet and my kitty and I are just relaxing in front of the tube. It feels good for a change.
Julie Wood
What makes me mad is when my son shaves his beard and leaves all the hair in the sink!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful that I will be able to go on vacation this year.
Julie Wood
What made me happy today is that I found 40 dollars in a pair of shorts that I left them in last summer. I am so thrilled for finding this extra money!
Sandy Cain
What made me happy today is that I get to put off the laundry until tomorrow. It wouldn’t be such a PITA, but the laundry room is in the basement, with not enough machines for the 290 apartments in this building. Woo-hoo, let the clothes sit there, I don’t care!
Mum’s in hospital having further tests on the tumour they discovered last week & I will and must remain hopeful that all will be well or I might as well just curl up in a corner somewhere.
Just noticed the time on my previous post: 4.09am. That means Connie is still in the Land of Nod while I’m wondering what to have for lunch (it’s almost 12.30pm Tues 2nd. June here)!
I’m mad (again, I hear you say!) because I’ve spent almost an hour trying to get a straight answer from a civil servant regarding Mum’s Widow’s Pension. Honestly, I cannot fathom how anyone could work in an envirnment where the right hand doesn’t know what the right one is doing. May all the Saints in Heaven save us from red tape!
Today I’m happy because the storm’s blown over and the forecast for the week is for some sunshine at last!
Today was my day off so I was super happy! I got to sleep in and relax!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the boyfriend stayed in the toilet for more than 30 minutes and we were both late for work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because Prague promises to be more than 25 Celsius degrees for our trip. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because the day started sunny with warm temperature. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
It didn’t make me mad, but we didn’t get out mail until 6:55pm. We’ve never got it that late ever. It may have been a new carrier, I don’t know. So I couldn’t get mad.
Kathy Ross
My bf is suppose to get me a new ink cartridge for my printer. So I’m hopeful that he’ll get it tomorrow.
Kathy Ross
My bf got paid & took me out to eat. We went to Taco John’s. We love their food!
Carol S.
I am mad that my cat thinks he needs to lay on my clothes! He has his own beds and blankets and even his own chair yet he still thinks he needs to lay on my clean clothes. No one elses just mine!
Carol S.
I am hopeful that the testing at the hospital tomorrow goes ok and will show no problems. One thing I don’t need right now is more health problems.
Carol S.
I am happy that we had another day of light steady rain. Sun is due to shine tomorrow!
Someone springing some important information on me when it was too late to do anything about it made me mad.
Sarah L
Happy to have another lovely day with no rain.
Hopeful that it won’t feel too hot tomorrow if it gets up to 90 degrees
No mad today
Happy, mad & hopeful are all bound up together today. Mum is going in to hospital for CT scans & other tests to see if the tumour has spread and to find out when & if she can have surgery. Dad’s only dead 5 weeks and now we’re facing all of this. I wish he was here so I could talk to someone, but believe me, getting it all out here is doing wonders for my sanity.
Sara Theissen
I am hopeful today because some new medications I’m on seem to be working for my anxiety. It’s been a long time coming!
Sara Theissen
Today I am happy because I am reminiscing about my weekend…we went with some friends for a mini beach trip and it was awesome! I needed it for my last hurrah before I have hip surgery on Friday.
I’m happy that my Aunt is coming over to visit this afternoon. I’m hopeful for good conversation and a great rest of the day, especially because the weather has cooled off! I’m mad at hurting this morning after trying to clean the house last night and still having a lot to do this morning. Ahh!
Julie Wood
I am mad because I put something in a safe place but I forgot where it is at!!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful that I will be staying on my diet and losing weight. I can not get discouraged!
Julie Wood
What made me happy today is that my sister made a delicious breakfast today!
Sandy Cain
What made me happy today is that I had a good bowel movement. Thank You, Jesus, and thank you, Dulcolax!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s the beginning of the month with so many reports to do at work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because we booked the ticket and hotel yesterday for Prague. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I won a signed paperback of a book that’s been on my wishlist for a long time. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Claire Rheinheimer
My husband and I had a really good weekend, we had a very open and honest talk. I’m hoping this means that we will have more of them. Not that we have a bad relationship, we just don’t communicate well.
Claire Rheinheimer
We had a security system installed yesterday. I was unaware they would be charging us almost $1400 for equipment, the guy I had called didn’t tell me that, and the first payment came out today. Totally wasn’t expecting that! I was also told the first month’s payment (for the service) would be pro-rated and apparently it wasn’t and that came out today too. I’m going to be calling tomorrow, I’m not happy!
Sarah L
I was happy to have a quiet day at home with no rain.
Hopeful that we’ll have a week of good weather.
No mad today.
Claire Rheinheimer
I got to lay in bed with my husband and watch Game of Thrones tonight, that made me very happy! I wish the kids had been a little quieter tho. lol
Tracy Robertson
Having the day off from work today made me happy. I love my job, but I’ve been working 6-7 days a week for months now, and really needed today to relax.
Carol S.
I am mad that the neighbors finished moving out today and left a bunch of trash outside the front of the house and beside the storage building of the house. This will only bring the coons, skunks and bears to the yard. Some people…………ugh
Carol S.
I am hopeful that I will be able to accomplish my sewing this week. I have a couple things that I have put off mending plus I now have the material to make new curtains for the living room and placemats for the table. I’m shooting for Tuesday to get this done.
Carol S.
I am happy that we have had a very nice rainy day. Not to heavy not to light and it is soaking in very nicely. This should make the fire danger a lot less this week.
Tamra Phelps
I’m not really mad today. It’s not been a bad day.
Tamra Phelps
I’m hopeful that it will be a good Summer for everyone! June really feels like Summer.
Tamra Phelps
Today, I’m happy to be one day away from June! Hey, it was a rough Winter!
Julie Wood
I am mad because of reading the news and seeing that a child that was reported missing in California ended up being murdered by the Mother’s boyfriend. This is such a sad tragedy!!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful that my cat will come home! He has been gone for a day. Please come back kitty!
Julie Wood
What made me happy today is that it is warm outside and I am going for a drive in the Country with my family!
I’m hopeful that the weather will remain fine. We’re used to the rain in Ireland but we do llike our sunshine as well!.
I’m just a little bit mad today and that’s nothing new! I overdid the walking/exercises yesterday & now my leg hurts like hell.
Today I’m happy because the weatherman got it wrong! We were due to have a rain-soaked holiday weekend but so far we’ve had hailstones on Friday, a dull day yesterday and sunshine today.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because some dude called my cell phone in the middle of the night and it was wrong number. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because we’re thinking out a beer on a terrace when the day is warm outside. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because we had a great mud cake as breakfast. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
Nothing really made me mad today. Actually I was pretty happy. The only thing that bothered me was that the dog didn’t want to mind.
Kathy Ross
We’re trying to make goals for the future. This gives us to do something together that we can benefit from.
Kathy Ross
I was happy because my bf now has weekends off so we usually stay home & spend time together.
Getting a bunch of stuff done made me happy today, it’s nice to tick chores and errands off the list! Finding a new kind of gluten free bread at costco today made me hopeful for successful sandwiches! Will find out tomorrow, gf bread likes to crumble… a LOT. Craigslist flakies made me mad today, I hate it when they e-mail you and simply stop responding. Boo.
Carol S.
I am so mad at my post office today. Yet again they have lost another one of my packages. Fed Ex traces it right to the post office as being delivered there but the post office cannot find it. And it is not scanned as delivered so they “think” it must be there somewhere!!!!!
Carol S.
I am hopeful that I can accomplish some inside choirs tomorrow as I have planned. Now if only my health problems don’t flare up and ruin my plans.
Carol S.
I am happy that all outside choirs were finished today. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain all day and tomorrow night also. That also makes me happy as it is so dry here and the forrest fires continue.
I am HAPPY today because my favorite hockey team, the Tampa Bay Lightning, won the last game against the New York Rangers last night and are now going to the Stanley Cup Finals! Go Bolts! Ben Bishop is my favorite player.
Waking up to a nice and cool house made me happy today, it was roasting last night! I’m hopeful because we’ve gotten a couple bites about selling our stove on craigslist, we’ll see if any of them aren’t flakes! 🙂 I’m mad at my upset tummy this morning and the completely insane crow vs seagull squawk off going on right outside my window!
I’m a bit mad because I’ve missed so much of my choral group’s rehearsals. They’re having a concert tonight followed by a dinner to mark the end of the season. Still by the time they start rehaersing again in September I should be back on my own 2 feet and able to drive. Cabin fever is setting in, I fear!
It’s a public holiday weekend here in Ireland and the weather has worsened. We had hailstones yesterday! Apparently it’s the tail end of the El Nino storms but I’m hopeful it will pick up again. It doesn’t feel right putting the heating on at this time of year.
Today I’m happy because we’ve come to a decision of what to do with Dad’s car. It’s an old, but reliable saloon and really too big for the rest of us to keep on the road. I’ve found a local mechanic who will take it off our hands. It’s a constant reminder just sitting outside Mum’s bedroom window so it’s better to just sell it for whatever we can get.
Julie Wood
I am so mad at a person who drove a big SUV and blocked my car in at the parking lot and I could barely get out! So rude!!
Julie Wood
What made me hopeful is that my nephew is getting better from chemo treatment, and I am hopeful that he will put the brain tumor in remission!
Julie Wood
What made me happy today is that it is my day off from work! YEA!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the series “The last ship” is so ridiculous on so many levels. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because this will be the last working Saturday and next week I’m on vacation. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because we bought cherries for the first time this summer. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Kathy Ross
I have a friend that had surgery for a clogged artery. They put a stent in but a blood clot got stuck in it & they had to rush her into surgery again. I’m hopeful that it will work this time and she’ll come out of it ok.
Kathy Ross
Nothing really made me mad today. I actually had a really nice day today for a change.
Kathy Ross
On the way to the store my boyfriend checked on the price of something that I’ve been asking him to do for months. And I didn’t even have to ask him, he just did it.
Carol S.
I am so mad that when we went to the doctors appointment today my husband just had to take all the back roads. We live in a very rural area (actually called the mountain area when referred to by the news/weather people) and when I say “back roads” I mean back roads. Now my back is so sore from taken such a beating on those roads. I’ll probably suffer all weekend.
Carol S.
I am hopeful that all the intense testing I had and am scheduled to have next week will come back ok. I hate that one has to wait so long to have a simple test read by a specialist. Plus today is Friday and that means nothing will be done over the weekend so now I have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to know the results of the first testing.
Carol S.
I am so happy that PBnWhine is back up to the #1 spot in Top Giveaway Blogs! YAY!! Congratulations PBnWhine, keep up the good work. We love you.
Tamra Phelps
The stupidity of people makes me mad today! I just saw that 5 different planes over JFK had lasers deliberately pointed at them. Who does that? They have to know that blinds the pilot temporarily, right? Idiots!
Tamra Phelps
Today, I’m happy that it’s Friday. You have to love Friday, right?
Tamra Phelps
Today, I’m hopeful it will quit raining soon. It’s raining, but the sun is out. Hmm, maybe we’ll get a rainbow!
Mad? No more than generally fed up feelings so far. I’ve managed to cook a dinner for Mum & myself so I may well get mad if I make a balls of it!
Mum seems a little bit better today so that’s always hopeful isn’t it? She goes for more tests on Tuesday so see the extent of the tumour.
Today I’m happy because we now have a family plot in the village graveyard. At least we now know that Mum & Dad will always be together.
Julie Wood
I am mad that little children can get cancer and suffer so much!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful that my nephew will go into remission after having chemo for a brain tumor. He is such a cute boy!
Julie Wood
What made me happy today is getting to see my sister and nephew and seeing that my nephew is doing better with his chemotherapy. He has a brain tumor at 3 years old.
I am hopeful today because my vacation is coming up. I really need a vacation from work. I am getting worn down.
I am mad today because it will be raining all day. Now that it is warmer all I want to do is go outside! I guess we need the rain.
I am very happy that the weekend is almost here. I am walking around a lake with a friend on Saturday. I hope the weather holds up!
Finding a greek sheep cheese that tastes exactly like queso fresco made me super happy today! (I can’t have cow’s milk so finding sheep or goat cheese to replace old favorites is always a huge win!) I read today that yeast can have a similar reaction in celiacs as casein and gluten so I’m hopeful that cutting out yeast might help me to feel better! I’m mad that it was soooo dang hot today and I didn’t drink enough water so now I have a headache. 🙁
Mai T.
I’m mad today because everything is so expensive in Switzerland where I want to visit. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I am granted 2 days of paid vacation and we plan to visit Zurich. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because we are having at a fancy restaurant and the food will be great. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Carol S.
I am mad that the wind took our lounge chairs and did I don’t know what with them. I can faintly see (with the binoculars) the color of a cushion across the brook out into the forest. Not sure if the actual chair is out there also. My husband will have to go hunting for them when he gets home!
Carol S.
I am hopeful that no storms will pass through this evening. I need a good nights sleep. My nerves are a wreck after the storms this afternoon.
Carol S.
I sure am happy those thunder storms that went through here today are all gone. Wow were they strong, heavy winds, hard pouring rain and real close lightning. Scary stuff.
Sarah L
I was happy to have a good massage this morning.
Hopeful that the cold front coming won’t be too cold.
No mad today.
I’m happy today because the sun shone & I managed to get a load of laundry done; hopeful that Mum will make it through her cancer treatment and mad at myself that I’m in a wheelchair and can’t do more to help. I hate feeling usless or an added burden.
I’m happy that my dying succulent appears to be doing a lot better this morning, I think it’s gonna make it! I’m hopeful that a supplement I just started taking will help out with some of my health issues. I’m mad that I feel dead tired today even though I technically got enough sleep, apparently it wasn’t good sleep!
Tanya devenney
What makes me happy is everyday my family wakes up healthy
Julie Wood
I am mad because I always have to do dishes!!
Julie Wood
What made me hopeful today is that there really is relief at the end of a dark tunnel. I have gone through a difficult time, but I made it through!
Julie Wood
Finally getting a good night’s sleep made me happy today! Things always look better after a good nights sleep!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I did not have time to iron my shirt before going to work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I translated the whole technical document myself. I hope it was 99% correct. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because we have cakes at work to see a colleague off. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Carol S.
I am so mad that someone stomped mud all over the summer porch. And I just finished vaccuming out there. Now I have to turn around and do it again. Husbands can be a pain at times!
Carol S.
I am hopeful that we will get more rain throughout the night. Hopefully not anymore severe storms like what went through earlier. Thunder, lightening and strong winds.
Carol S.
I am happy that we just reveived some rain, not nearly enough though. We are dealing with another forest fire just 8 miles down the road. The helicopter carrying the water bucket is flying over. Hopefully all that are fighting it will stay safe.
Traffic and hitting literally every stop light except for one made me super mad today! Well more frustrated, I was running late.. but mad at the stop lights for sure! My hubby being extra sweet and supportive made me happy today. Planning a fishing trip for my dad’s birthday made me hopeful for a fun start to summer this year.
Claire Rheinheimer
I tried on dresses today, I’m almost to a decent size. A couple of them actually didn’t look too bad, that made me very hopeful!
Claire Rheinheimer
I live down a lane that is on our private property, there is a farm at the end of the lane. Today a UPS truck went flying down the lane, he’s lucky my husband wasn’t home. We have 2 young, very fast little ones. I get furious when people do that!
Claire Rheinheimer
I was able to find my daughter a perfect, flattering, modest bathing suit today! I also got all of my cloth diapers stripped, bleached, washed, dried and put away. I’m pretty happy today!
Nothing’s made me particularly happy, sad or hopeful today, I’m afraid. Dad’s just died, Mum’s just discovered that she has a tumour, I’m still in a wheelchair and The Tommy Cat is on his last legs. Everything’s a bit crappy, even the weather. Still, mustn’t grumble! Ha! Like hell – I feel like crying, screaming and smahing something all at the same time!
Julie Wood
I am not mad about anything today, but the day is just starting out, and I am sure that there will be something to make me mad-like rude drivers!
Julie Wood
What made me hopeful today is that I am on my journey to lose weight and I am going to lose weight this year! I am excited about getting thinner!
Julie Wood
What made me happy today is that I made some delicious healthy pancakes!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because there are so many Russian visitors at work today and the language is just awful. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because the boyfriend is doing his thesis presentation and I hope things go well for him. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I managed to arrive early to work to do so much work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
I was very happy to get back home after house sitting for almost 2 weeks.
Hopeful that we’ll have a good swim class tomorrow.
No mad today.
Carol S.
I am mad that our favorite show airs tonight and the cable is screwing up on ONLY that channel. Our cable company sucks, no matter how many times we call there is always another problem that pops up. Ugh……………..
Carol S.
Hopefully we will get the air conditioner in the office tomorrow. We had our first taste of humidity today and it wasn’t very comfortable with my respiratory problems.
rachel cartucci
Today I did get mad when my son tinkled all over the bathroom floor. That happens alot.
rachel cartucci
Let’s see…what made me hopeful today? Well,I got an invite to a friend’s baby shower…so I am hopeful she will make it to mine!
rachel cartucci
My husband came home from work a little early and that made me happy today.
Carol S.
I am happy that one of my lilac bushes blossomed for the very first time over the weekend. We have had it for 10 years and we were ready to dig it up and throw it out thinking it would never do anything. This one is a pure white one, which they say the white ones grow alot slower than purple, blue or red ones. I guess they are right.
Getting some awesome clearance deals at my local grocery store today made me happy. They’re closing for two days and reopening as an expensive “fancy” grocery store, which is actually what made me mad today. Lol. I don’t want to see my favorite store go! I’m hopeful about my doctor’s appointment tomorrow and getting stuff figured out!
Julie Wood
My sister made me mad because she will not go with me to get our hair done at the beauty shop. We need hair cuts, and she does not want to go today!
Julie Wood
I am very happy today because I lost 2 more pounds on my diet and I am going to lose weight this year, and I have been walking 4 days this week!!
I’m hopeful (or trying to be) that because I nagged at Mum so much she got herself checked out sooner rather than later. The specialist thinks that she’s in with a fair chance of beating the f***ing cancer so we’re trying to keep upbeat about it all.
Today I’m mad becuase Mum got the results of her scope & it’s not good news. Her Dad died of cancer of the stomach & bowel so at the back of my mind there was always this fear but this is just too much too soon.
Today’s little bit of happiness came from finally getting Dad’s Death Certificate. At last I can now close accounts etc that are draining His & Mum’s bank account.
Debbie E Johnson
I am hopeful that today I will feel better.
Debbie E Johnson
I have been sick for 5 years. I really would love to feel better. I have had 9 surgery in that time. The first time I was in the hospital for almost over a month and a half.
Sandy Weinstein
as everyday, my nasty older neighbors that have cut down my trees, broke a large branch off my Japanese cherry tree, dug up my driveway over 7 times, trying to block my entrance, claiming my property as theirs. been an on going battle for over 5 yrs, with daily harassment, threatening to kill my dogs, harassing phone calls, etc.
Sandy Weinstein
cant say there is much that has made me hopeful today, as long as my oldest 4 legged girl continues to improve, i am hopeful that she will recover from vestibular and be back to her normal self, it has been a long 3 wks.
Sandy Weinstein
i am very happy b/c my oldest 4 legged girls is finally doing better after 2 wks of being very sick, she is almost 14 yrs olds, was hospitalized and now is doing much better.
I am happy because this week i have no homework 🙂 but, i am wuite upset because exams are coming up though.
Thankyou for hosting this giveaway!
I was mad this morning at a moth and my kitten (although I really can’t blame her), she knocked everything off the top if the refrigerator chasing it and I got hit right next to my eye with a box while I was drinking my coffee, not how I wanted to begin the day.
I was hopeful today when I checked my eBay account and I have quite a few more watchers on items than I did last week. Every little bit of extra money helps.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I woke up sweaty and irritated because of the heat. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I have a new boss from today. I hope she’ll be friendlier and more reasonable. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Today I was happy when I looked at my finished work, I went flower and p k ant shopping at the farmers market Saturday and I planted today. It’s just a start but my planters are looking great!
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I decided to go to Vienna for 4 days next weekend to release stress from work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Being with my family made me happy today.
Sorry, not enough words.
Being with my family made me happy today. We had a memorial day cookout and had a lot of laughs.
Christine Beasley
Actually, no incident happened today that made me mad. I was just a pleasant, relaxing day.
Christine Beasley
A calm relaxed day after an exciting weekend and hectic stressful two months makes me hopeful for a more relaxed and productive summer.
Christine Beasley
Waking up beside my smiling husband made me happy today. It’s my honest answer. Then being able to spend the day with him, relaxing, no deadlines.
Carol S.
My husband went to the hardware store to buy some stain for me to finish up on a picture frame he made for my oldest son. I am so mad that #1 he brought back a whole gallon – for a picture frame!!!!!! #2 he spent $73 on it – OMG!! I sent him back to return it and he couldn’t as it was special mix. Now I am trying to figure out what I can use it on that will make me feel it was well worth the $73.
Carol S.
I am hoping that the little rain we received today helps with the fire dangers we are experiencing. One forest fire was only 4 miles from our house yesterday and it burned 12 acres. Scary!
Carol S.
I am happy that I accomplished alot of cooking today. From cookies and muffins to a couple meals for during the week! Makes me happy when a plan goes well.
Claire Rheinheimer
I’m a SAHM. We have a huge house and I do it all, the cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, laundry, dishes, pool in the summer, you get the idea. So I was furious to run across a text where my husband must have been complaining about something to a mutual female friend and she told him I don’t work and should be able to do it, I just need a schedule. If I wanted a schedule I would have one, I’m almost 40 and certainly know how to keep one should I choose to. Also, I have 2 young children. I feel like I do work, 24/7 every single day. I don’t care that my husband was complaining, I complain to friends about him too. But her response makes me see red!
Claire Rheinheimer
I got a bunch of weeding done today, that always makes me happy! There is still more to do of course…
Sarah L
Happy to have sunshine and warmer weather. 70’s on Tue-Thur.
Hopeful that I’ll get everything done tomorrow to end my house sitting.
No mad today.
I’m happy my hubby doesn’t have to work today! I’m hopeful that our hard work of putting holes in our soffits will help our attic not to be 170 degrees and in turn, our house won’t get so dang hot this summer! I’m mad about tummy troubles this morning. 🙁
I am not happy about the TMJ happening again. SO painful.
I am mad right now, this very minute so I’m going to let it all out & then I’ll feel better and anyway, it’s only because really I’m not mad but very worried and cross with Mum for putting off a test that she should have had done months ago but what’s the point in getting mad with her? She’s 81 and a very strong woman but she does NOT like doctors & being poked about! And if it is bad news then what’s the point in getting mad anyhow? Just have to wait & see I suppose and that’s where the real problem lies: my impatience. I’d never have made a nun!
I’m hopeful that all will be well with Mum – she’s just rung to say that her examination was painful and that the specialist wanted to see her before she goes home to discuss her options – I don’t like the sound of that at all but you gotta have hope, right?
Today I’m happy because Mum finally got to have some tests done. I know Dad was very worried about her health & she was due to go a month ago but then he died … anyhow at least now we should have some answers.
Stephanie Walker
I’m happy today because I got to spend time with my brother from across the state.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because some local airlines are reported to be stealing stuff from passengers’ luggage. What a shame! Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because a necklace I won should be arriving any day soon. I’m so excited. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I am assigned new tasks in the company. This makes me feel more involved. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Carol S.
I was mad at myself this morning for dropping my favorite coffee mug. I have had that mug for 20 years and used it every day! Oh well, I guess it is time to find another favorite mug and move on! I truly loved that mug though…………………
Carol S.
Hopefully tomorrow will be as productive and fulfilling as today. The weather is supposed to be perfect also – YAY!!
Carol S.
I am happy that my husband and I spent the whole day together and we accomplished so much inside and out! It has been so fun.
Claire Rheinheimer
I found a flowering tree today that I loved, then saw some landscaping that is exactly what I have in mind for in front of my house. My husband loved it too, so I’m hopeful that it will actually get done this year!
Claire Rheinheimer
It was beautiful out today, the forecast had called for snow. So it made me happy to sit on the porch and relax while my little ones played happily.
The nice cool weather and rain coming in made me super happy today. It’s been getting muggy and gross. Talking to my cousin about selling her my motorcycle made me hopeful today, I’d love to have that money in my pocket but have my baby go to a nice home that I know will enjoy and care for her! Not mad at anything today, it’s been a pleasant day!
Today my Booble kitty made me happy she woke me up this morning licking my nose and being sweet Kitty kisses always make me happy
Sarah L
I was happy to get an email saying I won a Microzest Premium Grater & Zester. Neat little kitchen too.
Hopeful that it really will get up to 70 degrees by Tuesday.
No mad, but a bit sad to see more rain.
Tanya White
Nothing made me mad today, everything is good so far.
Tanya White
I was hopeful of losing weight today and I woke up a pound lighter.
Tanya White
I am happy we got to see the airshow today.
Tomorrow my Mum has to go for tests and I’m just hoping that everything’s going to be alright. It’s only a month since Dad died and I couldn’t handle any more bad news.
Connie Gruning
{{{{{{{{{{Kate}}}}}}}}}}}} Keeping Mum in my prayers!
Connie – GO AWAY! Much appreciated (very) but you are on your hols – go enjoy yourself please, you’re making me feel guilty & I reserve that feeling for chocolate biscuits!
The only thing’s that got me mad is that I wish I had a bit more energy. There’s so much I want to get done but all I want to do is go back to bed and I can’t even do that because it’s only 8.30pm and I haven’t put clean bedding on the bed yet and anyway, the cat’s all snugglgy in the duvet and I haven’t the heart to move him!
Today I’m happy that the weather has been nice & I’m feeling a little bit better.
I commented on the non-giveaway post Hey Baby Look! By Kate Shannon
Tamra Phelps
I’m not exactly mad today. I’m just normally aggravated, lol, mostly with myself.
Tamra Phelps
I guess I’m hopeful that tomorrow is a good day for all of those celebrating Memorial Day. I hope those who have fallen and those who served are remembered.
Tamra Phelps
Why am I happy today? Well, it’s a nice day outside, so that’s pretty good!
Tamra Phelps
I commented on the non-giveaway post: NokHoo Laptop Backpack review.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the EuroVision show aired too late that I could not stay up late for it. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today that I’ll be speaking with mom and tell her about my Germany trip plan. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I will have coffee and cake with a friend at brunch to catch up with her after a long time. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
Happy to see the sun today and to visit my friend.
Hopeful that Spring will finally come.
No mad today
I hopeful that The Tommy Cat is getting better – we were so close to taking him back to the vet earlier as he hadn’t eaten for 2 days & looked really miserable. Then out of the blue he’s perked up, eaten & drunk and is sleeping again. A very close call – another of his 9 lives well & truly used up.
The only thing that’s got me mad today is that my knee is sore again. I’m tearing through my rehab exercises and getting as much done as possible so I’ve overdone it AGAIN – all my own fault, mea culpa & all that!
I stayed in bed till midday today & oh, it was lovely to just be lazy for a change!
I commented on the non-giveaway post Live Infinitely Infusion Water Bottle Review
Tamra Phelps
I’m not really mad today. I’m a little tired of children’s shows, but I’ll survive, lol.
Tamra Phelps
I’m hopeful that I will get to watch something today other than SpongeBob or Fairly Oddparents, lol. Yep, I’m babysitting a 5 year old
Tamra Phelps
Today, I’m happy it’s a nice sunny day. My oldest nephew gets to play his baseball game & I get to stay with my niece & youngest nephew today.
Carol S.
I am so mad that I discovered a ground hog in my flower garden yesterday! Cute but what a menice. He/She ate all my violets, they must be tasty….but are not there for them.
Carol S.
I am hopeful that everyone who is out enjoying this holiday weekend has a fun and safe time. I also hope that everyone keeps in mind that holiday is not about partying and BBQ but to honor those who have or are serving our country.
Carol S.
I am happy to see that PBnWhine has come back up to 2nd place in Top Giveaway Blogs. Now if we can all work hard at getting you back up to 1st!!!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it is so windy that I can hardly bike myself to work though it’s only 700m away. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today that people will not flock into the restaurant since the weather is not nice. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I have some me-time when the boyfriend is having a day out with friends. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Deb P
Summer is almost here. I hate it when people leave their pets in a hot car. Please leave your pets at home in a cool place with a lot of water.
Deb P
Young people talking about clean water for children around the world.
Deb P
I watched a short film dog tricks, cute.
Deb P
Would like a Walmart G/C
space won’t take my address’.
Deb P
47 Wellington.Ter.Dr
Manchester NH 03104
Spending time with a friend we don’t get to see often enough made me happy.
The rain made me SUPER happy today, it’s been too hot! I’m hopeful for an awesome Memorial Day weekend, my pastor’s having a huge bbq on Monday. I’m mad that the druggie house across the street has been making a ton of ruckus today and that they’re somehow still not shut down by the city.
Heather B
What made me happy today? My children make me happy every day! My youngest son was extra cuddly today. Can never go wrong with that!
I am so happy because I paid off my student loan. I now can afford better things! Although I will still save money.
I am hopeful today because the weather is looking nicer. Finally I can plant some plants. I miss my garden.
I am mad today because I had to stay late at work. I had extra paperwork I was not expecting. Oh well, life goes on.
I am hopeful that a good 3 day weekend is coming up. Happy Memorial Day to u all! And thank you to those who serve, & their families.
Nothing made me mad today. I was a little sad but then happy to see my friends
I was feeling pretty blue this week. My brother from out of state said that he and his family will be coming to visit us in a couple months! That made me happy!
I’m happy that I woke up feeling refreshed this morning and that it’s Friday! I’m hopeful for an awesome Memorial Day weekend. I’m mad at the little house sparrows that we just found in our attic. Argh!!!
Tamra Phelps
Why am I mad today? Well, I’m watching the news…ISIS, crazy murderer on the loose in D.C., etc. I should turn the channel.
Tamra Phelps
I’m hopeful the weather will be good this weekend. My oldest nephew has baseball games & he really wants the sun to shine, lol.
Tamra Phelps
Today, I’m just happy that it’s Friday. Also, the sun is out & it looks like it’ll be a nice weekend.
Tamra Phelps
I commented on the non-giveaway post: Megan Owlet Children’s Book review.
Today Ireland voted on a referendum to change the constitution to allow for same-sex marriage. I’m hopeful that Ireland’s voters are mature enough to ignore bigots and scaremongerers.
I haven’t been mad at all today but still a couple of hours left till sleeptime, so who knows?
One thing that made me happy today was the arrrival of the swallows. Such tiny birds to make such a huge journey – fills me with awe every time I see them.
I commented on the non-giveaway post Grilluminator BBQ Grill Light Review
steve weber
I’m happy today because it’s a slow day at work and I’m almost outta here.
steve weber
I’m hopeful today that I might not have to work an event on Sunday.
steve weber
I am glad today because I have a long weekend to look forward to since it’s Memorial Day Weekend!
Dee Lafrenz
What makes me hopeful, someone came up to me a few days ago, hugged me and said how wonderful it was to see me again. Then she said I have been praying for you. Made my week, and made me feel so blessed!
Dee Lafrenz
My cousin passed, he was only 63, way too young, makes me mad and sad seeing someone go way to young.
Dee Lafrenz
What made me happy today, hubby! He is so sweet, he made muffins for breakfast! How great is that!
amanda rauch
I am happy today because I got to sleep in! I have been getting up so early lately and I am so tired all week. I didnt sleep in till noon or anything but even just the few extra hours was amazing!!
Lenora D
I’m happy because I’m going to do the paperwork on something that’s really been stressing me. Whatever happens at least it will be over and I’ll know.
hopeful the weather will be beautiful
It is a holiday weekend –happy.
cyndee robinson
I am hopeful to having a nice relaxing weekend.
cyndee robinson
Knowing I could actually sleep in today. I’m so tired by the end of the week from riding busses,I have a day off!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I had to go to work at 7am to finish a task for a colleague. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because me residence permit card has been issued and now I can travel again freely. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I won a pack of books I like. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.