• February Giveaway Logo

    $50 Your Way #GIVEAWAY

    GIVEAWAY CLOSED Seriously? February is already here. The older I get the faster time speeds by. Before I do my update I have to be a good G’ma! It’s Girl Scout COOKIE time!!! BTW, Girl Scouts have come a LONG way!! You can now order online and have them shipped to you! (If you don’t live in Carlsbad California you do have to pay for shipping. I thought I would be funny and I selected “Have Girl Scout Alice hand deliver” Apparently I am NOT funny!! Now my daughter has to pay shipping. Sooooooooo BAD MOM on my part!!! So, please if you do order don’t choose that option. My…

  • Mini toy

    Day 17 Photo-A-Day Something Green OF COURSE!!

    Day 17 and since it’s Saint Patrick’s Day I decided to steer away from my lists and go with Green. This is my very own personal Photo-A-Day challenge. For the month of March I am posting pictures from inside my HUGE craft-room. This is helping me get motivated to blog more often and share what an amazing space I have.  I may use the month of April to share pictures of the inside of the rest of the house? Whaddya think? Then May the outside of the house? June could be the town of Sandpoint?  This might just work! Yes, these pictures show you what a hoarder, collector and wack-a-doddle…