• Hello May!! $50 Your Way Giveaway

    Hello Peanuts!!  Here is my Whine Report for the month. I’ve started unpacking and decorating the new house. The more I unpack and add my little touches the more excited I get. Now, I’m anxious for ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the stuff to get here. I think….. wait.. all the stuff means A WHOLE lot of work. Maybe I shouldn’t be quite SO anxious. Another funny happened up here. Deer at the door. Ohhhh I know I’ve shared the pictures of the deer right outside the craft room door but now we are talking the FRONT door!! Like company!! You can see the reflection of the clock on the window sill in this…

  • $50 Your Way Single Blog Giveaway! August 2017

    Trying a little something different with August’s $50 Giveaway. Let me know what you think. I’m going to put the Giveaway Widget at the top of the post. For those that don’t want to read about my monthly blurb? gossip? update? Whining!! That’s it my monthly whine report then you can enter the giveaway and be done. If you are interested it’s all under the giveaway widget. So the Cliff Note Version is: This giveaway is hosted by me alone so all the entries are only about me and my social media wants and needs. You can find more information about this giveaway if you want to scroll all the…

  • May’s $35 Your Way Giveaway

    Hello my darling little peanuts!! I am back again with my monthly $35 Your Way Giveaway Single blog giveaway! Yup, just me! Still my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! March was another very successful month!! Congratulations goes to Kate S. For those of you that pray or send good thoughts out into the universe; please send them Kate’s way. She just lost her Father. So send a some prayers, peace and love her and her families way. Thank YOU!! On to May’s Giveaway, same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll…