• Peanutbutter

    PB2 and PB2 with Chocolate Review

    It is no secret that I’m totally addicted to Peanut Butter! It’s even in my BLOG name! I love me some Peanut Butter!! Smooth or crunchy, with chocolate and without chocolate. Just give me my Peanut Butter and I’m a happy girl!! I’m a happy chunky girl, thanks to the fact that Peanut Butter has a whopping 190 calories per serving. AND…. against my belief, the entire jar is NOT a single serving. A single serving is a measly 2 tablespoons! Say whaaaaaa? That’s not even enough Peanut Butter to spread on toast!! I was thrilled to be chosen to review PB2 and PB2 with Chocolate. PB2 is made with…