• Camera

    Winning Online Is All About Visibility – Here’s How To Boost Yours

    The web has the power to make or break your business. As time-poor individuals, it’s increasingly where we turn first for every single need, and as a small business, it’s your shop window to the world, connecting you to millions of potential customers all over the world – if only they can find you. Winning online is all about visibility. With the average time people spend scanning search results being 15 seconds or under, being visible can literally make or break your business. That’s why a considerable allocation of your resources should be spent on creating and maintaining that, and trying to tap into some of the 3.5 billion plus…

  • Business meeting

    10 Questions That You Need To Ask Your PPC Agency

    Small businesses are growing their outreach and improving their revenue with the introduction of digital advertisements. In common terms, PPC ads are what everyone knows digital advertisements as. Hiring a PPC agency is one thing and assessing if they are truly reliable is another. To assist you with your online advertising campaign, here are the top ten questions that you should be asking your PPC agency before hiring them. Ensure their rapport at the very first step As with hiring any outsourced partner, ensuring that the agency you partner with has a recommendable reputation is important. An easy way to do so is to seek help from their previous clients.…