• Help My Toddler Book

    Tune In Today With Blythe Lipman Baby and Toddler Instruction!!

    My dear sweet friend Blythe Lipman is BACK!!!! Ready to get start off 2017!!! Remember 11:00 EST and 8:00 PST turn your computer speakers up at https://toginet.com/ Baby and Toddler Instructions | Live Internet Talk Radio | Best Shows Podcasts I have a great show coming up on Wednesday, January 4th, 11am EST. My first guest will be Connie Gruning from PeanutButterandWhine.com She will be sharing information about the wonderful products you can win on her site and a little girl talk too! My second guest will be Janet Allison, parent Educator and Educational Consultant. She will be talking about her book, “Boys Alive – Bring Out Their Best!” And…