• Yoga Mat-Towel Combo by FitLifestyleCo Giveaway

    Yoga Mat-Towel Combo by FitLifestyleCo

    Y’all know that I consider myself to be allergic to exercise. HOWEVER! I adore my Yoga Class. It’s mind clearing, calming and my escape. Oh it’s exercise… I know that…. but it’s so much more! I feel HAPPY after Yoga! Yoga helps improve flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance and more importantly when you practice mindfulness through yoga and meditation it results in higher serotonin levels (the happiness hormone). Which has been associated with contentment. So, Yoga GOOD!!! Doing Yoga on a beautiful mat? EVEN BETTER!!!!!! I own several Yoga Mats. Plain, boring single color mats. I’ve never had a mat this breathtaking before!! Check out this beautiful mat from FitLifestyleCo. It’s…