The Big Boss Juicer Review

The Big BOSS Juicer is amazing!! I don’t know how to start this review except for a great big WOW!!!

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you’ve no doubt heard about the amazingness of juicing. Juicing can help you to lose weight. Juicing helps you reap the benefits of all those fruits and veggies with easy digestion. Juicing helps you reduce cravings, because your body is getting everything it needs!! Juicing is a great Energy Workout Boost too. The benefits go on and on.  How do you start? With a great juicer like the Big Boss Juicer!

This is a heavy duty juicer, as in throw an entire apple inside. An ENTIRE APPLE, people!! Core and all! WHOLE! No chopping necessary!

Let’s start with some product specs. This is a two speed juicer one speed for hard fruits and veggies. One for your softer ones. 120 volt, 800 wats.
There is a stainless steel blade and filter grinder. The juicer has a durable stainless steel housing.
The Big Boss Juicer consists of the juicer, a 2.6 quart pulp collector and a pitcher to collect the juice. Everything fits together so nicely!! The lid locks in place.

Making juice couldn’t be easier!! Just add fruit. WHOLE fruit!! Unless of course you have a big seed it in like peaches. Don’t push your fruit or veggies just GUIDE them with the plunger. Actually, I didn’t even have to guide the fruit, the BOSS did the job on it’s OWN!!  Pulp goes to the left and juice comes out the left into the pitcher.

Clean up could not be easier!! Remove the lid and the filter basket. (Big Boss Power Juicer even comes with a little brush to help!!)  I found that rinsing immediately after juicing and I have no problems at all!!

This is such an amazing way to get my fruits and vegetables in every day. Look at me being all healthy!

Juice that is packed with all those vitamins and minerals!! Even fiber, all the pulp is removed but since the juice doesn’t come out crystal clear, I’m sure I’m getting all the fiber!

We are having so much fun combing fruits and veggies together! I can’t wait for this next batch of home grown tomatoes to come in. Tomato juice with lemon!?? Doesn’t that sound delicious!??

I’m am sold on Big Boss Kitchen products!! From the Big Boss Swirlio to the FANTASTIC Big Boss Power Juicer!! WOW!!!

Big Boss Swirlio Review!!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. I’m ready for SUMMER!!! I am ready for the Grandkids to come over for frozen FRUIT DESSERT!!!!!!  I’m so excited about today’s review!!  This is the Big Boss Swirlio from Big Boss Kitchen!! What, you might ask is a Swirlio?? …
Do you juice? What is your favorite JUICE combinations? If you are thinking of starting, I highly recommend checking out Big Boss Kitchen!

Big Boss Kitchen get’s another two VERY enthusiastic thumbs WAY, WAY, thumbs UP!!

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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