Toe Juice Review & Give Away!!

First things first, I had no idea what Toe Juice was in the beginning, but, with a name like TOE JUICE I HAD to have it!! TOE JUICE!!  The name just cracks me up!!  I know, I know…. I’ve admitted it before, I buy things because of the name or the cute packaging…. I do it all the time.  Some products I later regret… Toe Juice, is not one I would regret!!  This little bottle of green Toe Juice packs a powerful punch!

This is just a short list of things Toe Juice can be used for:
Toe Juice Bottle

  • Acne
  • Athletes foot
  • Cold Sores
  • Diabetic
  • Eczema
  • Foot Problems
  • Ichthyosis Psoriasis
  • Insect Bites
  • Jock Itch
  • Jungle Rot
  • Misc. Skin Irritation
  • Rashes
  • Ringworm
  • Warts

Seriously! Head to toe help is available in this little 4.6 ounce bottle!! After I read that list I knew I needed to try Toe Juice for myself!!

First thing I used Toe Juice on was the planters wart on the bottom of my foot, that I’ve had for (30+) YEARS and the wart is actually getting smaller!!  Second problem area is my very dry, cracked heels, what can I say, I’m a California girl, I’m barefoot 90% of the time!  I’ve spent wasted a small fortune on foot creams and what I should have been using is Toe Juice! After the first application my heels felt softer!! The more I use it the better my feet feel and LOOK!!

Heel before

Heel After

Apply Toe Juice directly from the bottle or with a cotton pad.

The Toe Juice dries quickly, it’s not greasy or oily. It doesn’t stain your clothing.  The directions say it could cause stinging, I never encountered stinging or irritation.

I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of a description for the scent, it’s a clean scent, almost antiseptic, but not quiet.  It’s a fresh very pleasant scent, but once the Toe Juice dries the scent is gone.

Toe Juice will definitely be a household staple for my family.  I LOVE this stuff!! Silly name…. AMAZING product!!  Toe Juice! (Still cracks me up!!) I found Toe Juice at Walgreen’s and Amazon on sale for $8.49

In 1970, Royce Garner, a high school science teacher in Boise, Idaho, produced his first batch of Toe Juice®. His endeavor began when his infant son had flaking, dry, cracked feet. The many lotions and creams were ineffective and messy. So Royce did some research, went to his lab, and came out with a revolutionary new product. Not only did it fix and prevent further complications with his son’s feet, but over the years many friends, family, and acquaintances have benefited from the strength of Royce’s Toe Juice®. Those who benefited from the fast drying liquid, often encouraged Royce to take it public.

The awesome people over at Toe Juice central are giving one lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower their own bottle to try out! Good LUCK!!! I hope you’ll come back and tell me what Toe Juice helped you with!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



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