What Makes A Top Rated Hairdresser?

Finding a phenomenal hairdresser almost feels like discovering buried treasure. Their skills and service shine so much that you never want to go anywhere else. But what sets these elite stylists apart? Let’s break down the qualities that make a truly top rated hairdresser like Becky B.

They Listen More Than Talk

Great hairdressers recognize that each client’s needs are unique. Rather than making assumptions, they ask thoughtful questions and intently listen to understand your hair type, lifestyle, and vision. Patient listening shows they genuinely care about achieving your ideal look. It also helps them offer tailored suggestions to compliment your features, style, and goals.

So don’t be shy about speaking up on likes and dislikes. Top stylists welcome the insights to exceed expectations.

Their Consultations Are Collaborative

An outstanding consultation strikes the right balance between professional guidance and collaborative discussion. While a hairdresser provides expertise in what will work best, you still ultimately make the decisions. Good stylists respect this and avoid being overly pushy or opinionated. Ideally you’ll have an engaging back-and-forth exploring possibilities until landing on a game plan. Leaving the consultation, you should feel energized and assured.

They Have an Eye for Detail

Meticulous attention to detail is the trademark of any master stylist. They analyze your hair’s texture, natural waves and growth patterns, problem spots, and more. This discernment enables them to devise solutions tailored to you. No amount of precision is too small if it achieves perfection. You can trust an exacting stylist to “leave no strand behind” in their work.

They Care About Comfort

Top Rated HairdresserLet’s face it – sitting in a stylist’s chair for an hour or more can get tiring. That’s why the best hairdressers actively take steps to keep you comfy. From offering water and snacks to providing neck cushions, they treat you like an honored guest. And they check on your comfort frequently during longer appointments. You shouldn’t dread having your hair done. Top stylists make pampering you a priority.

They Stay Current on Trends and Techniques

Renowned hairdressers constantly expand their knowledge and skills through continuing education. Whether it’s training classes or conferences, they invest in learning new styles and methods. This keeps their creativity fresh, and ensures they know the latest trends and technologies. You benefit from their expanded repertoire and specialties.

Regular training also hones their techniques. They can diagnose and treat your strands better each year.

They Have an Extensive Portfolio

Ask any prospective stylist if you can see their portfolio. An impressive book showcases their versatility across looks, styles, textures, and client types. The wider the range of cuts and colors they’ve achieved beautifully, the more confident you can feel in their skills. A thin portfolio should raise concerns. Ideally their work will include looks similar to what you want. This proves they can replicate it successfully.

They Handle Mistakes with Grace

Even top-rated stylists sometimes make a misstep. What sets them apart is handling the situation with poise and sincerity. They remain composed, acknowledge the mistake, apologize, and immediately discuss remedies. There’s no shame or blame – just a shared focus on getting you an outcome you love. How your hairdresser navigates errors shows their dedication to your satisfaction. Don’t settle for less.

Their Work Lasts and Lasts

A hallmark of extraordinary hairdressers is work that maintains its gorgeousness week after week. Precision cutting and proper layering means your hair retains its shape beautifully between visits. The right stylist also educates you on products and techniques to prolong the vibrancy of colors. Your hair still shines brightly when it’s time for a touch up. Durability is the mark of mastery. 


Finding a stylist who delivers it is hitting the jackpot. There’s an artistry to being an incredible hairdresser. But following these tips will help you spot the stylists with that rare mixture of technical skills, vision, and care. Never settle for less than excellence. Your hair deserves the best.



  • heather

    This is a great list to keep in mind when looking for a good hairdresser. I have been to some good ones and I have had some super bad ones. I have started trying to do my own as my hairdresser was getting too spendy for me $$$$$. I have been watching some Youtube videos and learning my hair is pretty easy to cut. I also purchased some hair cutting scissors from Amazon.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Boy, if you find a good one, keep her/him on speed dial, lol. Why is it so hard to find a goood hairdresser? It seems to be one of those jobs that some people just have a gift for, but finding the one who gets ypur hair is hard.

  • gloria patterson

    This is a great list!! And my niece does all these things.

    example Brittany comes in to the building and she has regulars she talks to them are we still doing this or that. She has some calling her and asking her to buy some more of the product they like.

    She has guys are we still using this clipper number number ect. Are we doing those eyebrows they really look bad.

    You have to make the client part of getting their hair done

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