Why Controversial Businesses Are Prime Targets for Cybersecurity Attacks

Digital Security sign Controversial BusinessesControversial businesses —you know, the ones that often operate in industries people don’t openly talk about—but still tend to attract a lot of attention. Well, it’s an umbrella term like cannabis-related businesses, something more adult-oriented, and gambling goes under this term as well. So, these industries face unique challenges beyond just public perception.

But believe it or not, one of the biggest issues just happens to be cybersecurity threats. Now, there have been more than enough news articles about some major controversial businesses getting their fair share of threats and leaks, some more famous than offers (like that affair website), just to name an example.

While every business has to worry about cyberattacks, controversial industries are a much bigger target for hackers. But why? Well, because they’re often dealing with a lot of sensitive information, high-value transactions, and customers who expect privacy. So, generally speaking, there’s an allure there for hackers. 

Overall, your business will need a lot, but if you’re planning to run a business in something more controversial, you’ll definitely need to keep this in mind. So, with that said, here’s exactly why you need to stay one step ahead of the hackers!

The Spotlight Effect

One of the first reasons controversial businesses are bigger targets is simply because they get more attention. It might be something like regulators, curious onlookers, or people who just like stirring the pot; these industries are always in the spotlight. And where there’s attention, there are hackers waiting to strike.

Besides, cybercriminals love a challenge, and breaking into a business in a controversial space can feel like a big win (and when it comes to ransomware, then it’s definitely a major win). So, it’s not just about the money—though that’s part of it—it’s also about making a statement or gaining notoriety. Some hackers, especially those driven by ideologies (known as hacktivists), target these businesses because of what they stand for (not always, but it is still common).

Actually, just take the adult entertainment industry, for example. It’s highly scrutinized, handles sensitive customer data, and processes tons of transactions. Businesses in this space often use specialized systems (as not all merchants will accept them), so instead, something more specialized like an adult industry merchant account, which comes with their own set of compliance and regulatory challenges. 

All of this puts them at an even higher risk of cyberattacks.

Sensitive Data

But what’s the real jackpot for hackers? Well, it’s sensitive data. And like what was mentioned earlier, controversial businesses are loaded with it. So just go ahead and think about it—industries like online gambling or adult entertainment deal with personal identification information, financial details, and, in some cases, private user preferences. This makes them gold mines for cybercriminals looking to steal data, hold it for ransom, or sell it on the dark web.

Customers of these businesses also expect a higher level of discretion. When they provide personal information, they’re trusting the business to keep it secure. Besides, you really have to keep in mind that a data breach not only puts customers at risk of identity theft or fraud but can also lead to major embarrassment or harm to their reputations.

The Regulatory Headache

Controversial businesses often operate in legal gray areas or under strict regulations, depending on where they’re based. So yes, navigating these complicated regulations is tough enough on its own, but throw in the constantly changing cybersecurity landscape, and it becomes even harder to stay compliant.

Plus, hackers are fully aware that these businesses are dealing with complex regulatory requirements, which means they often have to focus on legal compliance instead of constantly updating their security systems. If the regulations change faster than a business can adapt, it leaves them vulnerable to attacks— so this definitely works out in favor of the hackers.

Public Perception Can Leave Businesses Vulnerable

So, believe it or not, but public perception plays a big role in how businesses prioritize their cybersecurity. It really depends on the area where the business is located and what exactly they’re doing. But controversial industries often face backlash or judgment from certain groups, and this negative perception can even extend to the companies that provide their cybersecurity services.

In some cases, businesses in these industries may struggle to find top-notch cybersecurity solutions because service providers are hesitant to work with them (and some companies have certain policies and beliefs). So, this can leave them relying on less-than-ideal security systems that don’t provide the same level of protection as more mainstream businesses. And what about the cybercriminals? Well, they love to exploit these vulnerabilities.

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