Win $50 Your Way Giveaway!! April 2024

Hello New and Returning Peanuts!! I am so thankful you are here for my monthly $50 Giveaway.

First, CAN YOU BELIEVE it’s already APRIL!??!!? Gesh!! Time is speeding by.

I use these first few paragraphs to catch y’all up with life on the mountain. If this part bores you, PLEASE feel free to skip right on down to the GiveawayTools Widget.

This is what we did

This month was yard work. After a long winter that came, went, came again, went away, came again, when away. MOTHER NATURE PLEASE! Pick a season!! Just ONE!!!

All winter long we (pfffttttt I made a joke!) I mean The HUSBAND takes Bear (Our big 125-pound Bernese Mountain Dog out for her to do her business. It’s cold out there. I’m NOT going out there. Are you crazy??  That’s 5 months of poop that sits on top of the snow….. melts down….. new snow covers…… so on and so on. When all that snow is gone HOLY GUACALOME BATMAN that’s a lot of shoveling.

The next job is pulling up the discarded plant leaves, not to mention all the tulip, iris, and miscellaneous plant stems that have died. These all have to be pulled or raked up. Bending, twisting, up and down. SERIOUSLY, I need to lose weight and get into better shape. This is NUTS!!

We also stacked wood in all the firewood holders, including the inside rack, and front and back porch racks. Next raking up, cleaning up. All so we are ready to drive around the property in the side-by-side so we can cut and split wood for next winter.

Craftroom Update

In the AMAZING craftroom I tried my hand at wet felting. I VERY much enjoyed it. I only used junk wool because it was my first try. But I’m pleased that I actually MADE a bowl that LOOKS like a felt bowl. I’m anxious to try another. I want to use bright summer colors. I’m going to try my hand at adding flowers. Which may or may NOT look like flowers. We shall see.

I did it!! I tried flowers and for my 2nd try at wet felting I’m VERY happy.

scary door

Then I scared MYSELF!!!

I also managed to scare myself WITH MY OWN PRANK!!! At Halloween I put this scary skull face on the sliding glass door of my craftroom. Yeah…. fun times. UNTIL I startled myself!! Knowing me, this will be the gift that keeps on giving. I’ll scare myself again no doubt.

THEN!! I had the wild idea of putting a bird bath outside my craft room door. The back story of my wild idea starts with me being just a tad vindictive. AND stubborn. When we had our kitchen remodeled some 8 years ago.

We hired Home Depots recommendation. Paul (also know in our house as Paul The ASS Hat). The worst contractor on the face of the earth. At the end of the remodel Paul wanted our cast iron sink. PAUL wanted it? Pffftttt no!! NOW I’m keeping it. I’ve moved that dang sink all over the yard. At least 8 different spots. It’s HEAVY! It’s a cast iron SINK!

THEN last week…. Light bulb! I am making a water fountain for the birds and deer. So, for the VERY LAST time I moved the sink. I wanted the sink in front of the paint pit. It’s where I stand projects up to paint them… obviously. The sink is over under the tree where I feed my deer.

I walked this heavy sink from the trees to the front of the craftroom. Ohhh I made some NICE dents in the dirt. I dug a hole 43″ by 12″ and 10″ deep. (Well, first it was 10″ on one side 12″ on the other. Which means I had to pull up that dang sink and fix it. All those 4 million rocks came in handy then!!!)

Check the size of that “woman buster” rock!! That dang thing about killed me.
BTW after digging this hole and creating the solar bird bath has saved The Husband’s life!! I can’t possibly dig another hole! Like EVER!!!

The solar water fountain arrived yesterday so I’m waiting for my sink stoppers to arrive and FINGERS CROSSED this works as great as I imagine. Thank you, Gloria for the idea of branches for the birds to rest on. I plan to take a hike this week for the perfect branches. Might spray paint them? Opinions??

I could goLYFEfuel ON AND ON this month!! But this post is already way too long. I swear it’s these new supplements I’m taking! My mind is crisp and clear! I have CLARITY!! (I just made a funny!! The supplements are called Clarity and they are by LYFEfuel). I whole heartedly recommend this supplement AND LYFEfuel too!!!

Now for the REAL reason you are here!!

This Giveaway spiel is the exact same as last month, the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you stopped by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try.

This giveaway is $50 US. This is a giveaway hosted by me alone. I NEVER ask for anything except where to send your prize. My email is Connie@peanutbutterandwhine. I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So, I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.

I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Purchasing through my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a small commission which means I can continue to host (OKAY PEOPLE!! How come no one mentioned in the PAST giveaway spiels… it SAID HOSE?!?!?! tsk tsk… little peanuts! TSK TSK!!) the $50 Giveaways.

There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing.  Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.

$50 Your Way Giveaway


This particular giveaway is Closed. However, this months $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. 


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