Yosemite Souvenir GIVEAWAY Day 4!!
The first of May came around and while I was excited about my upcoming camping trip to Yosemite, I was stressed about my blog. I started wracking my brain on how to keep y’all coming here everyday without me constantly reminding you! Here is what I came up with………
Now, it’s not a big giveaway, BUT, everyday while I am camping a new giveaway will start. These are short giveaways with only 5 entries each. The prize is a souvenir from Yosemite. Each prize will be under $10.00. Maybe a magnet, key ring or ???? Each one will be different and from Yosemite National Park.
Good Luck!! And truly, THANK YOU for visiting!!
If you collect souvenir pennies, spoons, patches, pencils or magnets be sure to let me know and I’ll be sure to send you that item if you win.
Thank you again!! Now, you go enter……… and we are all going to pretend that I’m not going INSANE being unplugged for a week. A WEEK!!! In Internet days this is like MONTHS!!!
Okay, on to the giveaway!

Connie Tillman
I would be fighting zombies with my television remote and my hand sanitizer. That is what is to my right. I would love to visit Yosemite.
Erika Litteral
My phones are to my right. That will not help me fighting zombies. Well, I guess I can take pictures of them.
Connie Gruning
LOL Erika, that hit my funny bone! Still laughing!
Stephanie Galbraith
I would be defending myself with my daughter’s leg. What? It’s what is to my right…
Connie Gruning
Stephanie! This made me snort I was laughing so hard!! LOL!!!!!!!
Stephanie Galbraith
I would be defending myself with my daughter’s leg.
Jessica Whitehouse
The item to my right? I have a table with a candle, flashlight, and hand sanitizer. I’m sure my husband could figure out how to make some kind of flame thower thing with those.
I am defending myself with a broom…closest thing to me! Good whack over the head!
Soha Molina
I will be saving myself with my cell phone. Not much of a defense.
marian boll
a flare gun followed by a hatchet
Janice Dean
Who’s defending who? My son’s dog is next to me on the couch. Great dog she is!
marnie ward
I would get a stick and light it. Zombies hate fire.
I collect Owl and most of my souvenirs have something to do with an Owl.
Dana Rodriguez
I collect mugs,glasses and figurines.
Dana Rodriguez
I am defending myself with my chinchilla.I don’t think he will be very effective so I think I better just grab him and run.
It’s an old as the hills camera. Maybe I can use the flash to blind them.
Sarah L
I’m going to beat them up with my modem? Not very effective.
Thanks for the contest.
Natalie Brown
Hello! I reach to my right & grab a bottle of hairspray and nail polish remover. Ha ha! That’ll work. I guess I’m better prepared than I thought I was. lol Thank-you!
Connie Lee
I am defending myself with a bookcase full of stuff. I have great big plant books, recipe books, picture albums, and a big portable radio.
All I’ve got is a lamp to bonk them over the head with!
Jan Lee
lol what’s on my right is my flatscreen TV haha I don’t want to use it but since I won’t be alive to watch any TV I guess I’ll defend myself with it, lol 😉
Melissa S
A cup of coffee. The worst part is that it is a cold cup of coffee! I think I am going to be food 🙂
I am defending myself with the arm of another Zombie that just ripped off when I reached to my right!
Tammy Shelton
I collect Coffee Mugs from trips. But, Key chains are cool too.
Tammy Shelton
My cell phone is right beside me on the nightstand. I’ll call 911.
alesha ol
I am defending myself with a machete because you can jump in the air and swing it in the zombies head and chop it off instead of shooting a long distance with a gun and possibly missing.
a machine gun