Listful Thinking: Using Lists to Be More Productive, Successful and Less Stressed
This is a book everyone should own. Not just read; OWN! I highly recommend a physical copy and not an electronic copy. I think this book has so many gems that you will want to ear-mark and highlight so many areas!!
Listful Thinking: Using Lists to Be More Productive, Successful and Less Stressed written by Paula Rizzo is a book you will use!! I believe you will use this book over and over again!!
It doesn’t matter if you are already a great list-maker or you’re organizationally challenged; this book has so many fantastic, helpful ideas to help you stay on task at home and at work.
I am an avid list maker. At night I write out my list for the next day; I sleep better knowing that I have written all my MUST do’s down.
Listful Thinking talks about the normal lists; like household projects and day to day activities. But, lists that I hadn’t thought of that are AWESOME!! A list of websites I want to visit. A list of restaurants I want to try. Even a Bucket List!
Paula shows us how to use lists to tackle everything from organizing a birthday party to taming challenging work projects like my blog posts.
If you have never been a list maker you’re in for a great treat! You will learn how to free your head from trying to remember it all! BONUS you’ll stay on track at work and at home!! I promise list making will keep you sane!!
Paula helps us faithful list makers take our list-making to the next level with list makeovers and digital tools. I love the index that Paula includes at the end of Listful Thinking that helps get us started!! Lists that I hadn’t even thought of!
Paula even has awesome digital recommendations for your list making. Paula even gives you the pro’s and cons of going digital.
Listful Thinking is as fun as it is informative. LOVE the little notes (the eqivealint of a pop up note) for instance did you know that Madonna is a huge list-maker? Although unlike my lists; hers SELL for thousands of dollars!? I’ll give you any list I have for a dollar! You’ll have to pay shipping though.
Paula shows the lists that have helped her stay on task and achieve more! I even learned to tailor my list for MY needs and how to hold myself accountable.
I found that I am so much more organized! From errand day and shopping trips to blog posts and vacation packing. I get more done because I’m not back tracking! I’ve got my List and I’m organized!! Take the time to think before you act you can definitely achieve more.
How can I complain about being more organized?? I highly recommend this great book!
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I’m a born list-maker. I’m told that even as a toddler I knew exactly what had to be done & when etc. then when I learnt to read & write, well, I haven’t stopped making lists! Last birthday I even got a card that stated ‘Nothing beats the satisfaction of crossing things off a list’! How very true – I’ve framed the card & it hangs on my wall next to my to-live-by-motto from my grandparents’ house ‘Don’t Worry – It May Never Happen’. The two sum me up perfectly!
Christine A
I’d like to read this book to help boost my productivity. I don’t make lists very often but I do like crossing tasks off as I complete them.
Sarah L
This sounded so good for me that I just went to my library site and ordered it to come to my library. I love libraries and how they work on the internet these days.