2 Easy Photo Class G!veAways! 1 Compact & 1 SLR!!

I couldn’t be more excited about this review if I tried!!!  Back in August I finished my final chapter and review of Easy Photo Class Today I have more information to share!!!
The top 10 Creative Digital Camera Settings!
Digital Camera course giveaway on PB&&W
This workshop video is really the greatest thing I’ve ever used to learn more about my camera! I actually never use the auto setting on my camera anymore! EVER!!!

What I LOVE the most about this class? I have the full course on computer.  I can review anytime I want or need too.  If I am going somewhere with a photo challenge of sorts I can look up for the best settings for the effects I want.

Jerry over at Easy Photo Class is giving Peanut Butter and Whine 60% off the  Digital Camera Settings Made Easy workshop!!!  Use code: PWB 60
I am so proud of these photos!!  LOOK at what I have learned!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can’t say enough good things about this program!!
These are pictures from La Jolla Cove beach. This isn’t fog!  This is rushing water!!  I set my camera to take a burst of 10 pictures so that I didn’t miss these shots.
Digital Camera course giveaway on PB&W1
Digital Camera course giveaway on PB&W2
 These shots were all taken within minutes of each other but using the different settings look at the color changes!!!  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!
Digital Camera course giveaway on PB&W4
The workshop covers the Top Ten digital camera settings plus more. Auto can work in some situations, but there are many different subjects and situations where knowing how to set your digital cameras settings really helps.
There is a free video on How To Reset Your Digital Camera. This gives you the freedom to explore your digital cameras settings and forgiveness if you mess up the settings. There are two settings that need to be reset after resetting a digital camera to the way it came from the factory as well.
Check out www.easyphotoclass.com, click on the Buy Now button, enter the coupon code PBW 60, and the prices will change.  Don’t forget 60% off Coupon Code: PBW 60
The free Quick Reference Card with ISO, Shutter Speed and Lens Openings was super helpful!! You can print it out, cut it and fold it down to the size of a business card. It is a great quick reference when learning these settings.
Be sure and check out the free Digital Camera Buying Guide and Workshop. If you are in the market for a new camera you need this guide!!  You can get help buying a new digital camera from sensor size to lens zoom. Which memory card has a free recovery service if you delete all by mistake. Which external hard drive is good for backing up photos on. You learn how to make smart buying decisions when buying photography equipment.

TRANSFER CELL PHONE IMAGES: For those taking photos with your cell phone you may want to check out How To Transfer Digital Images e-book on Amazon Kindle. You don’t want your cell phone to be full when you start taking Holiday photos!  Not to mention, what happens if you lose your cell phone?? Do you really want to take a chance that you lose all those photos??  Okay… so now…. shower me with praise at my fabulous photos at the beach please!!

Don’t forget 60% off Coupon Code: PBW 60

I can’t stand it I have to show off a couple more photos!!  I TOOK THESE!!!

Digital Camera course giveaway on PB&W5
Digital Camera course giveaway on PB&W6
Digital Camera course giveaway on PB&W6

THANK YOU Jerry!!! I am THRILLED to present 2 giveaways!!! TWO very lucky Peanut Butter and Whine followers will be able to take the same class I have taken !!  Just in time for perfect Holiday Photos!!  One for a SLR camera and one for a compact camera!!

Disclosure I received complimentary products for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way.


  • Karen Hand

    I agree with one of your other posters where she mentioned that the class is an investment. The better quality photograph that is taken is an investment for the future. In order to receive these quality photos, one must know how to utilize their camera to the best of its ability and what better way than to take this class. You will be able to view the photos for years to come and relive the special moments you captured.

  • Karen Hand

    I learned that the class teaches you how to set your digital camera settings in a logical step by step manner. I especially like the fact that you can retrieve various portions of the class as a refresher as many times as you want and at your convenience.

  • Karen Hand

    This is right up my alley. I’ve been looking for something that will help me take better photographs. I’ve got to enter this giveaway! Thanks.

  • Heather!

    I learned that the company started doing classes online partly because people said they loved their ‘in-person’ courses, but had trouble remembering everything. Taking a class online lets you take your time to absorb all the information.

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  • Heather!

    I am excited to learn–really learn!–how to use the settings on my camera, and to adjust them for different moods (like your example in the post).

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  • Marthalynn

    I learned that these workshops are really like an investment since you’re taking great photos that will last a lifetime.

  • Anonymous

    I think you need to add some wall’s these photo’s need to be framed and hung up for all to enjoy. Awesome photo’s gg

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