• exercise equipment

    Diet & Exercise

    Exercise and eating healthy really can make a big difference. Today, one of our patients at work could easily be the poster child for staying active. 81 years young. We all thought she had written her age down wrong!! She easily looked 20 years younger. I swear she had more energy than I do! Her secret is simple……. stay active! If you could see this woman you’d be motivated to get off the couch and MOVE!! Just like I’m about to do….. Jillian Michaels workout DVD here I come. (Uhhhhh UGH! Don’tcha just hate it when the experts are right???). BUT I still don’t want to exercise!

  • Ummmm chocolate…….

    Okay REALLY!! ….. Pizza Hut needs to get that new commerical off the air! I’m starting to dream about that pizza bowl and the chocolate lava cake……… closely followed by the Wendy’s BBQ chicken wings. I WANT JUNK FOOD!! I WANT a LOT of it!! M&M’s, pizza, chicken wings and chocolate lava cake!!!!!!!! But here I sit with a Yoplait peach frozen whip and a large bottle of water. It’s good you’all are here to keep me honest otherwise…………

  • Belt it Dan-o

    I really didn’t expect 9 pounds to make any real impact on me but it has made a difference! I put on a pair of jeans that I wear on the weekends if I didn’t have a belt on I wouldn’t have JEANS ON!! WOW!! So back to the closet I went……. I put 3 more skirts and 2 pairs of jeans in the garage sale bag!!! WOW!! I was going to check the other skirts I put back for when I have lost weight but I think I’ll wait a few more pounds. Why waste this ‘feel great’ moment?!?! Now I’m motivated again to work out with Jillian Michaels…