• Week 6

    Here is my weekly blah blah blah post. I did really good with exercise. Walked every weekday with Kaki. In my weighted vest. Added 3 different evenings with a Jillian Michael’s exercise DVD. Made much better food choices. Lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and grilled chicken. (Finally that big Costco size bag of baked potato chips are gone too. THANK HEAVENS!!!) Now the drum roll…………….. down 3 pounds! So total weight-loss is 9 pounds. I have to keep reminding myself ’slow weight loss is better for you!’ but MAN I would love to just wake up at my goal weight I mean really …. why not? I’ve learned my lesson……

  • Gardening

    Nothing better than a fresh tomato on a salad. For Mothers Day my kids bought me a Topsy Turvy Planter. Tonight I harvested my tomato. Yup as in one. BUT wait! It gets better!! Actually words just wouldn’t do my tomato justice. Isn’t that the prettiest tomato?! To bad there was only one. Do you think that much gardening could be counted as exercising?? I mean I did have to walk to the patio….. back to the kitchen….. no? FINE! GESH!! Jillian Michaels DVD here I come.

  • I hate MONDAY’S!!

    Such a long day!! Monday’s I work 10 to 7:00pm. Which means I don’t get home till 7:45…. By the time I eat a light dinner I just don’t have the energy to do an exercise DVD. But I did walk this morning, weighted vest and all. So mostly I just wanted to tell you I hate Mondays! (Don’tcha like how I always have a REAL good excuse if I’m not going to exercise???)