• Worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The ONLYreason I am confessing to you about my dinner tonight is because I know certain members of my family will rat me out if I don’t. Ohhhhhhhh but it was soooo good!! We went to Claim Jumpers for dinner. MAN!! Claim Jumper prime rib is AMAZING!!! Of course can you end a CJ dinner without the Motherlode 7 layer cake?!?!? Now… we split it 5 ways so it isn’t as bad as it could have been. AND in preparation for dinner I saved up calorie count for dinner. I had just a hard boiled egg and a thing of string cheese earlier in the day. (I’m really good with…

  • Ring ring…

    Today was my weekly phone call with Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. Tyler is really pleased with my progress. (Helllllo! ME TOO!!!! I’m 23.5 pounds lighter! Okay, you know I have to add a YEA ME!!! There… I feel better. I mean really? A whole blog entry and no YEA ME?!?! Really?!?!) Tyler said I get to continue with what I’m doing now. Weighted vest, no fruit at night. Lean meats and lots of salads. I told Tyler that I bought a weighted Jump-rope, he was pleased with that. I am to start out with just 5 minutes of jumping and only 3 days. (WHEW!!! MAN!! Can you imagine if he…