• I don’t wannnnnnna……..

    Well, the holiday vacation is over. (I don’t wannnnna go back to work!!! I like VACATIONS!!!) DH took me to see Sherlock Holmes today GREAT movie!! That was a perfect way to end the weekend. But now, it’s time to get back into my routine. I’m working on laundry, the house is cleaned up. I’m even planning on getting to bed early, 6:00am comes wayyyyyy to early when you’ve been sleeping in. I really need to get back into my walking/exercise routine! Yes, that does mean I got on the scale this morning. NO I didn’t let out an earth shattering scream but I did say a few choice “BAD”…

  • Relaxing!

    What a great day! Before I went to bed last night I cleaned the house just to make sure today was a no stress 100% relaxing day! I didn’t have to do anything!! DH even did all the cooking! We watched back to back movies. I caught up on emails. Ahhhhhhh perfect!!! I take holiday vacations very seriously…. I don’t even exercise. That’s bad, I know…. I haven’t even gotten on the scale to see the damage of this last week. I guess I better do that tomorrow morning…….. so that sonic boom of a scream in Vista? Might just be me! I’ll let you know. you know… the voting…