• Sheer Craziness!!

    WOWOWOW!! I went to Kohl’s after work tonight shopping for a pair of jeans. (Now my disclaimer here is the jeans I tried on had stretch to them but STILL!!) I HAD MY BUTT IN A SIZE 4! That is a FOUR! The last time I have EVER been in a size FOUR there was a T following the 4! A FOUR!!! A SIZE FOUR pair of UGLY jeans. Which is one of the reasons they didn’t come home with me. The other reason is I would have left that sticker down the thigh that said 4 on the pants…. and really!? I’m obnoxious enough without the sticker. A FOUR?!!?…

  • The best medicine!

    Do you really want a really great ab workout?! Go to lunch with a good friend! Wait… not the lunch part exactly. But go to lunch with a girl friend that makes you laugh like crazy!! Tita THANK YOU!! My stomach still hurts!! I’m even counting lunch as my exercise today! I would have walked this morning but you’all know I can’t walk without Kaki! (So it’s all Kaki’s fault I slept in!) BUT! I really do try to have to have SOME type of exercise everyday and today I picked eating laughing! See ya tomorrow! Here comes my plea for votes!!

  • So it begins…..

    So now the challenge of Holiday dieting begins!! Today is the first Christmas/Birthday party to get through and still manage to lose another 3 pounds by the end of the year. In my favor is the fact that everyone I know is aware I’m on a diet for the Half Year Resolution. And not in my favor is that EVERYONE I KNOW is aware I’m on a diet for the Half Year Resolution. I either get the LOOK that says “Can you have that!?” or “So how’s the diet going?!” So I will try and set a good example tonight. BUT if I drop my napkin under the table tonight…