Not THAT button!!
AHHHHH MAN!!!!!!!!!! I am in serious need of a re-wind button in my life! This whole week has been a lot of AHHHHH MAN!!! Why did I do that?!?! Today was NO different!! First I hit the snooze button this morning (Ummmm not really snooze so much as it was the OFF button!!) Left my phone on in the Doctor’s office (working for a doctor… I know that is a HUGE no NO!) so my phone was screaming HELP HELP HELP!!! for a LONG time! (I crack me up with ring tones!!) I ate almost non stop today. I ate only the GOOD stuff too… ya know… Potato chips (that…
I think I may just watch WAY too much television!! But this had me laughing all day long and I just had to share!!
For CRYIN’ out loud!!
Okay, I know that OTHER people complain that at times they feel old because someone doesn’t know a VERY FAMOUS person or tv show… but today it finally happened to ME?! TO ME!! And once AGAIN it’s all Gretchen’s fault (REMEMBER Gretchen?? The one that throws away CANDY!??!) Last week Gretchen had never heard Bill Cosby’s stand up routines. Classic’s like the JEFFREY skit?! OR NOAH!?!? Then today? Today she had no idea who The Cartwright’s from Bonanza were??!?! She doesn’t know Hoss or Little JOE?!?! So it’s official……. It’s finally happened… thanks to Gretchen I feel OLD!!!!!
100% PERFECT!!!
SERIOUSLY! Hot FLASHES SUCK!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know why somedays they are worse than others. (Today in particular!) I also want to know why hot flashes don’t BURN FAT!?!? WHY!?!?!? Okay that’s all… I’m off to stand in front of the fan for awhile.
I do try!! HONEST!!
Okay, back to work on my weight loss. Tomorrow that is….cause today was ummmm NOT what you would call diet friendly?! First there was the bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Valentine hearts (on sale at CVS for $2.99!) I did share that with Selena and Dan and ummmm I think Heather had one. (I didn’t glare at her when she looked at the bag a second time. HONEST!) Then the box of Cheese-It’s closely followed by a Big Mac meal. Then the OHHH WAIT!! I Had a SKINNY vanilla latte at Starbucks that had to off set SOMAthis! I also am back to my morning walk with Kaki tomorrow, today?…
Ahhhhhhhh how sweet
Since it’s Valentines Day I thought I would post pictures of HEARTS found in Nature!! Enjoy!!
I’m trying out Blogger.com trying to decide which site I like best. Soooooo this is really just a test…. if this were a real blog there would be words and maybe a picture…
Happy Valentines Day!!
I hope Valentines Day brings you (and ME?!?!) chocolates!!