• Yummmm

    Okay I have GOT to start being good again or all my hard work will be for nothing!! But OHMYGOD I can’t get enough to eat again! Then between Dr. Louie’s baby shower (yummmy food LOTS of goodies!) Gretchen’s birthday lunch (can you say ate so much I couldn’t move?!?!) I have GOT to start being good again OR …….. or well there will be a lot of grumbling, gripping, whining and yadda yadda ya……. I need to find a buddy to race in weight loss. Apparently, I need the competition! OR a really mean trainer. Or someone to follow me around and grab food out of my hand.

  • Sleep!! GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is from “Does this Blog make us look fat?” This just cracked me up!! Enjoy!! Experts say lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain. In addition it can make losing weight even more difficult. It’s not even about will power it’s about your hormones trying to make up for the lack of sleep by forcing you to eat things like peanut butter and jelly and what not. So how do you get more sleep? You’ve got work, the kids, the dishwasher is full, and Real Housewives comes on at ten p.m. Hello – this all cuts into our sleepy time. SO we’re going to take a look at…