• Pack rat?? Nahhhhhhh

    I’m embarrassed to say this is my ‘catch all’ room…. it’s a craft room, a sewing room, a closet, an office and well…… a company is coming ‘hide it’ room.  This is also the room we are expanding for my Mom’s new room.  It has to be empty by August 1st.  I truly have no idea where everything will go.  It’s almost 11pm and I’m not sure I made it any better.  I may very well have made it worse.  But I am outta gas for today.  Back at it tomorrow!  I don’t think this is what I really wanted to do on my 3 day weekend!

  • Why ya suppose??

    Apparently back in FEBRUARY! I text messaged my son Zachary and asked for a piece of charcoal?  Sooooooo what do you suppose I wanted that piece of charcoal for?  Just one PIECE…. not a bag… not a bucket……….. just one little briquette, one, ONE piece. Any idea’s what I want that for??  Hummm time to search the Internet for uses of charcoal……. pieces.

  • You’re fired!!

    Hummpppffff……  you know you have too much stuff when the general contractor you hire says “They have a tv-show you guys should watch.  It’s called Horders”  I promptly told him he was fired… he laughed and finished taking measurements.  Hummmmm why am I flashing back to Elden of the Murphy Brown show?  Wait… what do you mean you don’t remember Murphy Brown?  Only one of the funniest series on TV! (Netflix has Season 1 if you are interested)