Sooooo………. yesterday at work Barbara and I hear a boom. A boom that sounded more like a Boeing 747 was falling from the sky than just a boom. Like any self respecting Californian Barbara and I head outside. (Yes, I’m one of those crazies on 4th of July and New Years Eve that goes outside when the local idiots shoot guns into the sky! What can I say… I’m nosy!) This was no short boom it was long and drawn out, I can’t describe it well enough to convey the noise. The only thing that comes close to the noise is a 747 that sounds like it’s going to crash in your backyard. Seemed like the entire complex came outside to…
I kept waiting for the punch line tonight when Channel 10 news was reporting the weather. The teaser before the commercial break said “Learn when the snow will arrive in Southern California after this break” So I’m expecting the usual “we are trucking in snow to Sea World, Lego Land and the such for the kids to play in. It happens every year. But there was no punch line. Basically the weather guys are telling us…… is I’m going to be LIVING IN SNOW AGAIN!?!? SAY WHAAAA??? I moved from Colorado to get away from the snow… I do beach weather now…. I DO NOT do SNOW weather NO MO!! Besides, I don’t want to scare anyone…
I know…. I know! It seems I am obsessed by these Freerunners but it’s because I can’t WALK up a side walk gracefully let alone WALK UP A WALL!!!!!!!!! We aren’t even going to the whole “mid air somersault!”
So let’s say your team is down 6 to 0. You have nothing to lose… This will only work ONE TIME! This is AWESOME!!!!!!! If you watched “SportsCenter” on Monday (Nov. 8) — or the “Today” show, or any number of other highlight shows — you may have seen the amazing play run by the football team at Driscoll Middle School in Corpus Christi, Texas. But just because you’ve seen it, there’s no reason not to watch again, and again. It’s that good — so good that it’s already racked up more than a million views on YouTube. The play is simple: Driscoll lines up, and the center hands the…
Christian Kane, I love his acting from Angel to Leverage (And more) but I never knew he could sing!!! WOW!! This man is TALENTED and nice to look at tooo!! Seriously! How did I not know he could sing like this?!?!?
Time for the weekly video update on the room addition. The color of the walls is beautiful! It looks more yellow in the video buy it’s actually a french vanilla kind of color. It’s soooooooo pretty!! I think I want to live there. Zachary guess WHAT!?!?!?
California freeways
I swear people………. it’s not the 16th century…. they’ve proven the earth is NOT flat!! You won’t fall off the edge…… and the FREEWAY has curves people…… the freeway does NOT take sharp 90 degree turns on a 65 mile an hour freeway! YOU don’t have to SLOW DOWN TO TAKE the CURVE!!!!! A curve doesn’t warrant you turning on YOUR TURN SIGNAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s a CURVE on a FOUR lane FREEWAY!! I already know where you are going!!! While I’m yelling…… they are NOT steep hills people!!! YOU CAN see over the hill you don’t have to slow DOWN!! The earth doesn’t just END!! Okay…okay… I’m calming down…. I won’t start in on the 50 mile an hour drivers…
UP Read until the end…..you’ll laugh….This two-letter word in English has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that word is ‘UP.’ It is listed in the dictionary as an [adv], [prep], [adj], [n] or [v]. It’s easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP? At a meeting, why does a topic come UP? Why do we speak UP, and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report? We call UP our friends, brighten UP a room, polish…