• Can you say AWKWARD?!

    If you search the Internet for “awkward family photos” well, ya get a big selection.  BUT these?  These few pictures are priceless! This one doesn’t even need a comment. The little Cabbage Patch floating in the picture is kinda creepy. Okay, so what’s up with the hammer?!  Actually the whole picture is really NOT RIGHT!!!  That guy with the hat?  That smile gives me the willies! I’ll bet these guys are on Match.com! I’m not sure what someone thought was so funny on here.  Maybe the young gal and her flat hair?  Cause really! Who doesn’t like BIG HAIR!? Bastard child maybe?? If this isn’t a great breastfeeding ad I just don’t…

  • Happy Father’s DAY!!

    I remember being woke up on Sunday mornings by my laughing children and an even louder DH. Mr. Bean can STILL to this day crack up my family. So for my Darling Husband…… enjoy!