Smart ass!
With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren’t heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, Good GRIEF, look how smart I AM!!
Sharing… GOOD!! Unless it’s the flu!!
Weekly remodel update
Happy Halloween!! If you have any Reese’s peanut butter cups left over …. I’m issuing a recall. So send ’em my way please!! How cool is my table center piece?? I even have Vampire Wine from World Market. After Halloween I plan to buy a skeleton hand for the other hand. (I’m just too cheap to pay full price!) Here is the weekly update on the room addition for my mom. The contractors are really moving fast. Course my house is so dirty it’s not even funny! UGH!!! Someone come over and clean for me. PLEASE!?!?!
55 Days!
I thought I should take this moment to brag… I’ve started Christmas shopping already!! I have presents TO WRAP already!! ME!!! The Black Friday Queen! I know! I am amazing and you are wondering just HOW I do it! I’m just that good! And for those of you that are already DONE Christmas shopping…… well…. that’s just not natural!!
Amazing pumpkin carvings!
I have more Halloween stuff to share!! Artist Ray Villafane began carving pumpkins on a lark for his art students in a small rural school district in Michigan. The hobby changed his life as he gained a viral following online and unlocked his genuine love of sculpting. Here are images of pumpkin carvings Villafane created over the past five years. Now don’t these make you want to go carve a pumpkin?!?!? (no me either… who can compete?!?!)
Halloween idea’s
I love Halloween! I think it’s my very favorite holiday. So here are some cute decorating ideas with candy corn I took from Women’s Day. Candy Corn Craft Ideas At this time of year, it seems candy corn does grow on trees. Pick a few clean-looking branches from your yard and hot-glue kernels onto them in clumps of twos and threes in various spots, concentrating on the ends and the Vs where the twigs branch off. Wedge the trunk of the branch into a small Styrofoam or floral square (available at crafts stores) and rest it in the base of a vase. Fill the vase to the brim with corn…
Rocky Horror Picture Show
What did we do before we had DVR’s? I am so excited about tonight’s line-up, the new show “Raising Hope” HOLY MOLY that show is FUNNY!! If you haven’t watched it you REALLY need to watch at least one episode I’m sure you will be as hooked as I am. But the show I’m the most excited about tonight is Glee!! Glee is doing one of my ALL time favorite movies…. Rocky Horror Picture Show. Seriously if you haven’t given Glee a chance you need too. The singing is phenomenal! But add cute show AND ROCKY?!?!?! HELLO!!??! I’m in Heaven!! Warning…. if you are anywhere near my house you may want to sport some ear…
Shark Eyes
First these are BAD!! B-A-D!! They don’t let your eyes breathe. You could really damage your eyes. They are BAD!! Repeat after me… I will never EVER put these in my eyes!! Okay now all that said…….. I really REALLY want these!! How freaky FREAKY F-R-E-A-K-Y COOL would these be to wear on Halloween!?!?!? I WANT THEM!!!! I want really want them!!! Remember… they are bad for you!! Do not put them in your eyes!