• Bring on the Windex

    Many Doctor visits again today.  Still don’t have a lot of answers.  More blood work and more changes on the dosages to the Coumidan.  Best scenario is 2 weeks Dr puts DH in hospital gives him a mild sedative (NOT a laxative like I miss-spoke… haa haa very funny)  Second Dr has to look at the lump on DH’s neck…… which the whole time all I could see in my head was…….. I had a lump at the back of my neck, right here. Always, a lump. Then I started menopause and the lump got bigger from the “hormonees.” It started to grow. So I go to the doctor, and…

  • Bring it ON!!!!!

    Not a day to mess with me!!  Contractor supposed to be here 7am.  No contractor at 8:01pm!! Pipes still rattle in the attic from Mom’s apartment.   Cardiologist appointment is tomorrow morning at 8:30 for DH (nerves are kinda raw here! Since we’ve been postponed a couple of times) Planning a baby shower with using boy or girl themes…… Also I’m trying to organize my craft room… and loosing that battle SO VERY badly!! I think I’ll just go to bed now.  Night all.

  • Super Bowl XLV

    DH is a die hard Steelers fan… so you know that means right off the bat I had to cheer for GreenBay.  HELLLLLOOOO!!!  If you didn’t see that coming …… well it must be your first visit to the blog (Oh so welcome!  I hope you’ll come back!) It’s the 4th quarter with 10:09 left. So far not a very…….. ARE YA KIDDING ME?!?!?!  I typed that in and BAMB Steelers scored.  I’m NOT talking anymore about the game.  Let’s talk the important stuff… the commericals.  Here are a couple of my favorites. Gotta log off…. Steelers have the ball…..