• The nuts do NOT fall far from the tree in this family. EVER!  I’ve told you before just how graceful I am (NOT) Prego Selena is a mini me.  Talking, walking, being pregnant AND picking her feet up and over the parking lot bump all at the same time TOO much to handle. TOO much!! Now, she didn’t fall directly on BabyT but she hit the ground hard enough to give herself skinned up knees, bleeding shins, a twisted wrist and then the belly. (Such a good mommy already! Did a drop roll all the time protecting BabyT)  With only 6 weeks left of this pregnancy doctors wanted to run some tests and monitor the heartbeat…

  • My friend Phyllis, in New York says she won’t take me on the subway in New York. Phyll said she’ll just pick me up at the next stop……. I wonder what she’ll think NOW!! Cause now, I’m convinced I need to ride!! LOOK at what could happen!!

  • Don’tcha HATE it when a song gets stuck in your head and WILL NOT GO AWAY!?!?!  What is the cure for that?!?!  WHAT!?!??!?!  MAKE it STOP!!!!!!!!!!  No more get it started in here…… no more….. please…… no MORE… in here… no no no no more. please?!