• Every year I post the same thing on Mothers Day because to this DAY this video cracks me UP!!!!!!!!!! I laugh out loud everything I see this. Happy Mothers Day Mom!!

  • Stupid Texter!!

    Spell check?? Yea, spell check is not my friend when I’m texting or writing I end out with words I don’t mean to send! NOW I have to READ own emails for extra sentences!!! before I hit send!  UGH!! I am NOT an idiot stupid dingba never mind I am smarter than I sound honest!!!  Case in point….. I exchanged the nicest emails with Ferne over at The Purple Baby Brigade today only to go back and read MY email…… ummmm hummmm okay, so here is what I sent “But the guy in Nigeria is really going to I subscribe via emailme a million dollars right??!?! ; )”   WAIT… WHAT does that SAY!?  WHY.. wait… WHAT?!?!  Ohhhhhhhh Ummmm hummm…

  • Too much tv!

    I know I KNOW!!!  I watch too much tv.  YEESSSS I know I could fast forward through the commercials……. but then HOW would you know when there is a really funny one?!?!?!  SEE!?!  YOU fast forward I’ll be sure and point out the ones you missed. Like this one. This made me snort laugh!!