• Shame on me!

    This first one is soooooooo true!!  And I am their QUEEN!!!!!! COME on!!  That’s funny!! (TOLD you I was their QUEEN!!) Can’t help it….. that’s just funny. This one is just kinda cool. Hillbillie GPS So to my children I ask “Still think Dad and his white socks and sandals was embarrassing?!?! BarbiQ. Thank heavens my children didn’t have Internet when they were growing up. I’m 100% certain this would be MY STOVE, MY KITCHEN!! Ohhhhhhhhhh Selena!!!  I think we found a stroller a WHOLE lot cheaper for BabyT! I wonder if you get the pretty lights too?? I don’t care HOW much I need a MickyD fix…. the answer is NO!!!

  • Introducing…………

    Miss Alice Avery Price!! Arrived this morning 6/1/2011 at 10:30 this morning. 21 inches long. 6pounds 9 ounces.  10 little toes 10 little fingers and so so so so is so beautiful!!! Mom, Dad and Alice are doing great! Look at how pretty she is!!! And a whole 18 days EARLY to boot!! Fast forward to 2024, Alice is a few weeks shy of 13!! HOW is that possible??