• Why?

    Why, when I clean house do I make it worse and more overwhelming?  Why can’t I clean a small spot and move on? Instead I take this to the kitchen …. ohhhh I can clean this up here…… ohhhhhhh this has to go to the laundry…… AND NOW?!!? I have a family BBQ tomorrow, the entire house is a mess and I’m to sleepy to care. 

  • Blackberry Playbook PLEASE!!!

    I want this tablet!!!  I love my Blackberry (okay let’s be honest here….. I’m addicted to my Blackberry!) so when Blackberry came out with their answer to the iPad I was drooling! I want it!! I WANT it!!! I WANT!! Blackberry Playbook is awesome it has everything I want in a tablet! It will play videos, it has a calendar, wifi enabled, flash, VIDEO chat!!!!! You can run apps simultaneously and in real time. AND it’ll work with my BB! It’s small enough to fit into my purse. I started on CandaPost.com which does price comparisons with reviews. The Blackberry Playbook has 4.71 out of a 5 rating.   Now to convince DH that I really NEED…