• This is from the HawaiiNewsNow – Spectacular images from Kilauea Volcano. The USGS posted this time-lapse video from Kilauea volcano on the Big Island. The video was taken from May 26th all the way up until July 11th. A thermal camera on the rim of Pu’u O’o crater shows the rising level of the lava lake inside. Scientists say the rise is due to an uplift of the crater floor. The uplift has been especially pronounced over the past few days, shown by the final few moments of the movie. For the latest on Kilauea go to the USGS Website.

  • Today it rained and rained and rained….BUCKETS of rain…. a nice warm rain….. the best type of weather for singing and dancing in the rain!!!  (They soooo should write a movie like that!)  We played and played till we were soaked thru and thru!  THAT was SO much fun!! Even Eli who doesNOT like water on his head was laughing and giggling and running around with us.  I’m hoping it rains again before Nonnie has to go home.  That was just toooooo much fun!!

  • Those aren’t mine?!?! Are they?!?!

    HOLY MOLY!!  I was holding Alice today and decided to cross my legs and put her in the crook of my legs (kinda the way men cross there legs) that’s when I got a good look at the bottom of my foot. OHMYGOD!!!! Are those MY FEET!?!  Me the pedicure queen! If there was an ER for feet I’d be there!!  Cause I’m calling code BLUE!!!! NO I’m not posting a picture….. no pictures!! WAIT!! Yes, there is! Ped Egg GREATEST invention ever!! I may go through 2 blades tonight!! YES, that’s how bad they are!! I’m embarrassed and I’m sitting in my livingroom alone!!