• Are ya KIDDIN’ ME!??!!?

    Woke up with a migraine. Had to cancel my date with my Grandson Eli.  Noise BAD…. light BAD… Baby Alice was sooo great though she took a nice long nap with me….. no crying all day….. She was SUCH a GOOD girl…. so what does her Nonnie do in return??  Locked her in the car.  Yup yup!!   Had to get gas before I give Baby Alice back to her mom. So being THE greatest Nonnie EVER… I saw a shady looking grandmotherly looking woman standing on the sidewalk…… of course I believe she knows that the cutest 6 month old baby is in the backseat so I locked the…

  • UGH!!

    I was up until 3:30 in the morning.  I could NOT sleep!  Rather than toss and turn… I got up, made some Sleepy Time tea…. cleaned out my emails.  I visited some of my favorite blogs. Did my Pinterest pinning.  I cleaned up some of my DVR stuff. Finally 3:30 I tried to sleep knowing full well at 6:00am baby Alice would be ready to play!!  Of course she was so awake all day!!  Little turkey girl didn’t even nap longer than about 20 minutes…… Sooooooo… Now?  I’m EXHAUSTED it’s 7:30 and I’m headed to bed!! Does anyone have a sure fire ‘this puts you OUT fast’ remedies?? (Not that…

  • Take Over Tuesday!!

    I’m part of the Take Over Tuesday’s with the host blogs Closer to Lucy Just Like June (formerly The Thrifty Things) Have Sippy Will Travel 3 Princes and a Princess 2 This week is the Google+ follow. Head over to Closer to Lucy and link up. To my new followers……… Helllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo!!!  I’m so happy to meet you!  I will follow you back!!