• Today’s giveaway! QUICK!!

    HURRY QUICK!!!  You still have a little time to and enter my favorite giveaway!!  I want this coffee maker!!  How awesome would that be (as the only coffee drinker in our household I see a lot less waste in my house!!) Anyway…. go here…… sign up!!

  • AaaLoooone!!!! Alone!!! Aaaaaloonnnnnee!!

    DH’s boss came to our house today to give him his yearly job review/evaluation.  DH got gold stars and a raise.  DH is THE man!!!!  I guess him being out since January 14th drove home the “WOW we really need him! He really is an asset we can’t afford loose”  Personally, I thought the whole having a heart attack was kinda a dramatic way to go about it… but hey, that’s just me. Soooooooooo when the boss called and said “I’ll need a couple of hours with you, when would be a good time?”  My first thought was “I’m okay with right NOW?”  But since the plant is an hour away they agreed on today.  Okay okay fine… that works too.  (Now a normal person…

  • PetCakes

    GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED HOW CUTE are these!!!!!!!  I need to win this one in particular….. This one is called Randy Candy!!  DH’s name is Randy!  You could win one of these cute little PetCakes by going to Familylicious and enter. these are adorable! Okay, I promise to share with my Grandbaby too.  How cute would this be on the baby shower table?? I really need one of these!!! Okay, that’s your giveaway link for today!! Good luck I mean I want to win I NEED the good luck.  So GOOD luck to ME ME ME!!