• Federal budget 101

    A student explains 100 Million Dollar Budget Cut Trust me, you should watch this. I ended up smarter in just a minute and thirty-eight seconds. Recently, Obama announced that, over the next 90-days, he is going to work to cut 100-Million dollars of spending out of the Federal Budget. A college student explains Obama-nomics. VERY well done! Why do I have a feeling I will find a bunch of pennies on my kitchen table in the next few days??

  • Pregnancy Selena style…….

    My oldest daughter has such a ‘unique’ outlook about pregnancy. She makes me laugh out loud all the TIME!!!  All 3 of my kids are hysterical!!!!!!  I bet ya’all wish you were me!! Here is what Selena said about the last ultra sound. 19 weeks 1 day Baby already has huge hands. He’s gonna crawl out of me like a manhole cover, I might give birth to a toddler.