• Drain Claw Review & Giveaway!!!

    First things first…… you’re welcome!! Why?  Why do I start off with that?  Because I’m not posting the pictures of the first few times I inserted The Drain Claw in to the drain. OH MY GOSH! Can you say GAG ME GROSS?!?!?!?  UGHHHHH!!!!!!  HOLY MOLY!!! The Drain Claw is small.  But it is a MIGHTY tool to unclog your drain!!   I didn’t know what to expect from the Drain Claw since it really is so small.  I’m so very impressed!!!!  The Drain Claw is made of a coated wire. Don’t let it’s size fool you!! This little gem gets all the nooks in the drain!!  I can bend it to…

  • Time to put the Whine back in the Peanut Butter!

    When this blog first started I intended to have an outlet for me to WHINE about being a caregiver for someone with Multiple Sclerosis. Now, it’s time to put this segment back in.  So Sunday’s will be a posts  will be about MS from a caregivers side. DH has had MS for 15 years.First we start with the basics. What is MS……Multiple Sclerosis is not contagious or hereditary. It’s not a mental illness. It is a disease of the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, and nerves). Nerves have a protective coating around them called “myelin.” When someone has MS, this protective coating is chipped away exposing the nerve and preventing messages from the brain to pass…

  • Birthday Chronicle Review & Giveaway!!

    GIVEAWAY CLOSED Do you need a last-minute super fun gift or a COOL substitute for a card???? Seriously! Personalized gifts for anyone ANYTIME!!  Look no further than the Birthday Chronicle!  I ordered my birthday chronicle for DH.  I ordered the chronicle before bed and when I woke up the next day it was in my email ready to be printed out. So cool!!!!!  I opted to have the Headline of the Day. You can personalize it any way you want which is a very big plus for me. I think this would make a fun present for anyone anytime!! You can make it fancier by printing it out on a…