• Bella Viva Orchards Review

    We go through a lot of fruit and veggies in our house.  A LOT!!  So I was thrilled when I was chosen to write a review of BellaViva Orchards. I told DH he couldn’t open the package until I took pictures of the delicious looking BellaViva Orchards Mixed Fruit and it’s a darn good thing!!!!!  The bag lasted 2 days!!  Yes, it’s true…we plowed through that 1-pound bag like we had never had fruit before! THIS is amazing, dried fruit!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! The 1lb bag includes apricots, nectarines, peaches, pears, prunes and apples.  Apples being my favorite!!  I’ve had dried fruits before but they never tasted THIS GOOD!  THIS fresh!! (Okay…

  • Diamond Candles

    You remember the Diamond Candles right??  A diamond ring in EVERY candle!!!  They are going to have a contest for…. are you ready for this???  Go sign up…. one click …. enter your email address so they can notify you when the giveaway goes live!! 

  • My Review Wish List & what I’m entering this week!!

    I thought I would shake things up a bit for my Sunday “what I’m entering post” I am adding my wish list of what I want to review!!   You never know someone might know someone they could forward this too… (yup… I am allllll about the subtle!) I will be heading to Yosemite soon and I would love to review anything to do with cold weather camping, hiking, campfires with special emphasis on an 11 month old!  That made your eyes go wide didn’t it???   Yup, in a tent with Baby Alice.  Don’t worry when I return I’ll share my experience and either a vow to never do…