• Toe Juice Logo

    Toe Juice Review & Give Away!!

    First things first, I had no idea what Toe Juice was in the beginning, but, with a name like TOE JUICE I HAD to have it!! TOE JUICE!!  The name just cracks me up!!  I know, I know…. I’ve admitted it before, I buy things because of the name or the cute packaging…. I do it all the time.  Some products I later regret… Toe Juice, is not one I would regret!!  This little bottle of green Toe Juice packs a powerful punch! This is just a short list of things Toe Juice can be used for: Acne Athletes foot Cold Sores Diabetic Eczema Foot Problems Ichthyosis Psoriasis Insect Bites Jock Itch…

  • Oraline Review & Savings Bundle!!

    Starting kids off with good dental habits is so important!!  I truly believe with the Oraline system, Emma and Eli have that great start!! The Oraline system includes the UV toothbrush sanitizer, the perfect solution for sanitizing & storing up to 5 toothbrushes at once. The Ultraviolet light automatically comes on when door closes, and cycles for 10 minutes. There is a built in fan for fast drying. The sanitizer eliminates 99% of the germs!!  NINETY NINE percent germs gone!!! Also in your kit…… my favorite………. 6 personalized toothbrushes!! Along with, 12 four ounce tubes of Fluoride Bubblegum Toothgel. (WOW do the kids love this toothpaste!!) It’s ADA accepted, contains fluoride and tastes great. It is not made…