• "Help My Baby Came Without Instructions"

    Seriously! Everything comes with instructions!!  Why can’t your baby!?!? The hospital sends you home with this little person that can’t even hold it’s own body fluids. No test, no license they didn’t even care if I knew which end was which!! If hospitals were smart they would send each new parent home with this new book!! “Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions” written by Blythe Lipman. I believe it’s the next best thing to an instruction manual!! HELP! is not one of those boring “do this”… “do that”…and I’m asleep in 5 minutes ‘how to’ books. This book is whitty and easy to follow. HELP! has real solutions, EASY solutions, to help…

  • Only 102 Days till Christmas! Kmart is here to help!!

    This post brought to you by Kmart. All opinions are 100% mine. Now that I’ve completely freaked you out……. you’re running around with your arms flaying about …. oh wait… that’s ME!!!  I only have 101 shopping days till Christmas??!!  WHAAA???? I’m not ready!! I have 3… count ’em THREE Grandbabies now!! Three kids, their spouses, DH, my Mom……. I could really panic if it wasn’t for K-mart’s layaway!!  YES!! Kmart’s layaway is BACK!!!!  Thanks to K-mart I can spoil my Grandbabies by paying just a little bit everyweek on my layway!!  I don’t have to charge anything on a credit card!!  WOO HOOOO!!!  Kmart’s free layaway saves the day (and my…

  • Diamond Candle Up for Grabs!!

    I love my followers!!!!  This is my Thank You giveaway! If this giveaway goes well I may hold another one next month! For those that have never heard of Diamond Candles, just like the name suggests there is a ring in every candle! The value is anywhere from $10 to $5,000!! This giveaway is sponsored by me there are not hundreds of Facebook pages to follow, just me.  The entries are all about me, me, me, me!!!!! Do as many or as few as you would like! (Course I would love it if you did them all….. ya… know… just sayin’) Be sure and come back and tell me what is in…