• Super Hero Meditation Review

    Super Hero Meditation Practice.  By Jennifer Farmer Spiritual Teacher Today’s review came at a perfect time in my life!!!  Talk about stress!!  DH retires.  DH gets a pacemaker and surgery for a heart flutter.  I’m the perfect definition for stress eating. Not sleeping. Keeping all the stress inside.  I got it all!! If there was ever a time that I needed to get in touch with my Super Hero self it’s RIGHT NOW!! I’ve been listening to my Super Hero CD for 2 weeks.  I fall asleep every single time!! So to write my review I brought the CD with me to the hospital for DH’s surgery. If ever a…

  • Congratulations DH!!!

    Congratulations DH!!  After 32 years my darling husband is officially retired!! Can I get a WOOT WOOT?!?!  NOW……. more importantly can he come over?! While most people who retire go on vacation.  Take a trip.  Go camping. Watch a movie marathon…. but, not our family.  Nope…. DH celebrates by getting a pacemaker!! Did you know that a pacemaker is an OUT PATIENT surgery??  I had to look it up and see what a pacemaker even looks like!!  It’s smaller than I thought it would be.  The battery is good for 7 to 10 years.  He can still work the microwave (One of the questions we had to ask! Thank heavens!!…