• Fine……. I’ll take it back!!

    Well, since the world didn’t end…… I have some returns to do.  DANG IT!!!  While I go explain why DH won’t let me keep this car……. and why there are tears on the big screen tv….. and I try to swallow the ring………..  you can laugh hysterically like I did over these pictures!   A few thoughts on cat baths…. By The Cat:  ‘But You Said You Loved Me!’  ‘I want my Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyyyy !’  ‘Traction… .I’m losing Traction!’   ‘No, I’m not your Good Little Kitty anymore.’  ‘E.T. Phone home……quick! ‘  ‘You Lied !!!!!!’  ‘I don’t think I like you anymore.’   ‘Holy crap, you call this water warm???’  ‘You will pay, as God…

  • Teaser!! Kia Soul Review!!

    Look at what’s in my driveway!!!!!!!!   Oh yea, baby, a bright,  Christmas RED, Kia Soul.  I am over the moon giddy!!  I get to  review this sweet little car for the next week!! So rather than one long post I’m going breakdown each area of the car with daily post. I just wanted to share my excitement and ……. well…. look!!  Isn’t that a cute little car??? Disclosure I received The Kia Soul for a week to test drive for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way. (even though they aren’t letting…

  • End of the World and GOODBYE!!

    I’m ready for the end of the world!!  Big screen TV check…….. picked up the Panasonic TC-P55GT50.  Less than $2000 cause it was on sale.  I figure ya know…… go nuts, but lets not be stupid!  A sale is a sale!! End of the world or not!!  Picked my brand new Maybach Exelero.  Yup… 8 million dollar….. sweet ride!! (kinda an ugly car if you ask me… but it’s really all about the status anyway…) And it goes 0 to 60 in 4.4 seconds!!  V12 twin turbo engine!  Course, I needed a big ole honkin’ diamond ring….. I mean…. HELLO!!!  Something has to off set this really ugly but, very…