Excerpt from “A Parent’s Playbook”
Enrichment Activities “It’s what we’re excited about that educates us.” ~Lives on the Boundary. Rose, M. (1995) A mother raven flew over a swan swimming in a lake, and thought him unspeakably beautiful. Believing that his fine white color came from washing in the water in which he swam, the raven left her nest and took her chicks to live near the lake. But no matter how often she washed her baby birds’ feathers in the water, their black color never changed. Instead the birds all nearly starved because the food they ate did not exist near the lake. Once the mother raven realized the error of her ways, the family…
Tylenol Smiling It Forward!
My regular followers know that Alice has been sick for the last almost two weeks. It’s been a REALLY LONG TWO weeks!! It’s hard to see your kids and grandkids in pain, sick or hurt!! I have a sign in my house that says “If MaMa ainte Happy, ain’t no one HAPPY!” After these last two weeks, I disagree… if BABY ainte happy sounds much closer to the truth. Alice is usually a bright, happy and full of energy 2 year old. The last two weeks Alice only wanted to be held and cuddled. She was miserable. A trip to the urgent care and the doctor recommend Tylenol. Thank heavens for Tylenol!! Thank…
All Day Energy Greens Review
As DH will attest, I am an anti-veggie person. Sorry veggie lovers…. just not a favorite food. I could NEVER ever be a vegetarian. I’m a full-fledged meat eater! So, getting my daily recommended fruits and vegetables is a challenge!! I was offered the chance to review “All Day Energy Greens” and I jumped. My first drink I didn’t use cold water. That was a mistake. I wasn’t a fan! The second drink I used ice-cold water. Better. It tastes like a wheatgrass shot. I can handle a shot of wheatgrass, 8 ounces… well it was hard. Then I mixed it with some peach tea, ice-cold water, and ice. NOW…